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Lakemont Park SOS

Calling all Pennsylvains and especially Altoonans! Lakemont Park was a wonder among wonders in it's hayday, boasting the beautiful gardens that once graced it's grounds, the riverboat that lazily sailed across the lake and the natural beauty of the trees that created an escape from the city. But with the clash of Boyertown the park lost it's natural beauty. Since it was purchased by Ralph Albrano he has tried to return the park to the community role it once enjoyed. But he can not do it alone! Please help support Lakemont Park by visiting it this summer. Also if your a local bussines consider having your picnic at Lakemont and donating a tree to replace the trees that were destroyed by Boyertown. If you can't donate a tree how about a rosebush or shrub. The park attendance is extremely poor this year please help change this and make the park what it should be, active and busy. Please don't let the community lose the park again.


Has everyone forgotten their afterglow that they spent at Lakemont Park, don't you want your children the chance to experience that? If Lakemont is forgotten and no one visits the park the next afterglow may be homeless. Don't let another vision ruin the park like Boyertown. Help support the park and make it the family adventure it should be.

My friends and I want to help theme the park. We want to find hubcaps and plywood to make some decorations for the rides out of. IF anyone in the community could help us we would greatly appreciate it.

Some of the things we could use include: Plywood for decorations, Paint, Trees of any sort, Shrubs, Pot Holders, Wood for measuring sticks, Flags, Hubcaps, and Old retired license plates for the MINI INDY.

My name is Autumn and I work at the park, I'm willing to put in the effort if i had the materials. If anyone can help us please contact the park and leave your name and number for either Chris or Autumn. We will gladly get back to you. Please visit Lakemont Park this summer!!!!!! AND THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!!!!!

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! To contact the park please call 814 949 PARK PS I'm going to try to get pictures for later in the year and post all the special events just give me time.


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