Scott Walley
Padawan to Adi Klem

Mirabile in profundis.
Padawan to Adi Klem

Adi Klem
Light Jedi Knight
Mentor of Scott Walley
Member of the Welcome Wagon

If you try you may succeed, you may fail, but you tried.
If you do not try, you will not fail, but you will not succeed either.
Mentor of Scott WalleyMember of the Welcome 

E-mail me

"Let there be truth between your heart and the Force. All else is transitory." ... Jedi Knight Surenit Kil'qiy.

"My whole purpose in life is to be of service to mankind. This I can do only by offering inspiration on the strength of my oneness."
-- Sri Chinmoy

"No tree has branches so foolish as to fight amongst themselves."
Ojibwa Indian saying
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