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Homepage of Brix and Acronex

Hey! and welcome to Brix and Acronex's site. Now we are going to tell you about our oh so interesting lives


Hi, I'm Acronex, but my real name is -censored-. I live in -censored- and I'm going into the 9th grade. I'm pretty boring, except when I'm hyper. I have brown hair, and brown eyes (I know what your thinking, "Wow! how amazing and rare!") I just broke up with my she's my stalker. Not really, but she's kinda clingy and obsessive. Even though we're OVER!!! I like anything that has to do with fantasy and imaginative stuff, I REALLY like Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter. My favorite Anime shows are Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Yuyu Hakusho. I like reading, and I'm a really good writer (No time for modesty =P) I consider myself smart too =D. Elli (she made one of the sites we have a link to) is one of my best friends, and so is Courtney (her link is on Elli's site.) None of my other friends have anything to do with the internet, so I won't mention them. Oh, except for Brix...he's kinda my friend =P lol. He knows I'm just kidding. But yea, I like country, rock, and Elli thinks I'm a closet Grobanite. (Go to if you must, I ain't about to put his link on my page lol) I'm straight as an arrow! Unless it's a bent one, then I'm not like that one! And I like to hang out and go to the movies. My favorite would be, once again, LotR. I'm pretty much done now...I'm a CHOCOHOLIC!!! yup that's it. On Nutrinopets, my name is Acronex_Everhart, and I have a funneh profile there if you wanna see it (which I'm sure you do...Or Else!) This is my house, and who I most represent from Harry Potter


~Acronex- Now I've been forced to write his profile for him...But I will write it as if he's writing it...Get it? Probably not...~

I'm pretty much the complete opposite ~He cant type fast which is why I'm doin it. If you see anything in swiggles (~) that's my writing~ I hate reading ~This just makes it more confusing doesn't it lol. 'tis funneh~ I LOVE paintball ~He likes to call it xball which I find funneh...and just a little perverted. That's preobably just my guttermind working~ I LOVE soccer ~just kidding, I'm not really gonna write anything this time lol~ and pretty much anything that can get me hurt ~His exact words, not mine~ I hate school ~even the socializing part? and lunch, what about lunch~ I hate lunch too ~NOOOOOOO!!!!!~ j/k ~that's better~ Anywayz, besides all that crap ~...~ My favorite anime shows are the same as his ~You stole mine!~ Other than that, my life's pretty boring ~ain't that the truth lol, j/k~ My schedule is pretty much eat, sleep, work, school ~except that it's summer now~ soccer ~ooo, I like that too~ paintball ~xball *snicker*~ TV, and extreme sports ~...~ The reason I made this webpage was because I was bored ~I helped!~ So I hope you like it ~being bored? Oh, nevermind, I get it~ Actually I don't care if you like it...But you better! ~Or else! ha! I get the last word~ Anywayz, here's some crap about anime and stuff ~Dang!~

If you want to e-mail us about anything ~Unless it's spam then go away! We don't like you!~ it's

3 best anime shows (in our opinion)

My Favorite Sites

A great site for anime fans!
Cool pet site!
Another cool pet site, with roleplaying!
Friend's webpage!
Any Harry Potter fans?
More HP! (Where I got the banner)