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Home Page for Ace-Mi6 - TFC/CSS Player and Mapmaker


Feb. 14th, 2005:

No longer hosting my maps i've made. Now host song sounds for which my counter-strike server will access. No links will be posted to get these sounds. July 30th, 2004:

Finished Supermonkeyball. It's below. Could only make 16 courses due to it being too big for any more to be added. Errors and that.
16 courses. Warps that are hidden skip stages. Try and look out for them. Hint: there are 4 total among the 16 stages. Jumping isn't allowed, built invisible wall above player to prevent cheating. At end if a stargate from hit tv show. one comp. when activated dials up to the fun area, the other 3 goto courses 5, 9, and 13. the signs on comp. say which they goto.
Fun area has many special wav files for your enjoyment. and u can turn the overworld music off from here to hear custom sounds better. Also can create a warp to the start which stays till it's turned back off. This way only 1 needs to make it to end and rest can warp to end. Bathroom warp leads back to stargate. And at end of the maze inside the club fun area is 5 special wavs. Enjoy.

July 5th, 2004:
Been Making a new map for abotu a week now. it's just a fun style map called Supermonkeyball. Based on the Gamecube videogame where u roll the 'monkey in a ball' around the stage trying to not fall off and reach the stage. it's a fun addicting game. And i decided to make that a tfc map. I've already got the map half done. 10 areas outta 20 total. Kinda a fun/skills map, though no concing and that required. u can't even jump as your just suppose to 'roll' so i've limited jumping to prevent cheating through courses. Should be a fun map.

I've yet to think of what extra i should add for people who finish all 20. I want some fun, cool area at end to make it worth while. kinda like how i play artifact just to get to end to hear the song tricky and dance around for a minute, lol. If you got an idea, email me.

June 25th, 2004:
Released animosity_r2. get it below in downloads section.

About Me:

Welcome to my Site. I am currently in no tfc clan. My names Ace. Also, i'm in the spy guild Mi6.

I started out tfc 5 years ago or so. My first clan was [DWD] Dancing with Death. When that disbanded, many members formed EA| Eternal animosity and i changed my name from Ace to General_Lee. I was in there till it disbanded few years ago. They reformed earlier this year to which i rejoined. But after a few months i left for my own reasons.

Then i went to clan |HOP| and reverted back to the name Ace. Great group of guys, but they were having probs and that so i left for Xt|.

I've been maping since i started playing tfc.

I wasn't great at the start, and i still don't consider myself a top map maker, but my latest map, animosity_r2 is getting me up there to being better.
