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America's Army

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Hall of Shame
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Job Openings
The Kegger Clan
Sunday August 3rd 2003:
Ok, I'm moving the webpage to a new server... still on angelfire, but I'm going to do a better job on the new site and try to update it more often. It'll *hopefully* be alot more clean cut than this site. Anyways, other news now... Kudos to {KEGGER}FireDoggy501 for recruiting our newest member: {KEGGER}Halogod3412!
We're still looking for members, just trip on over to the Members section and you can join up... or any other section of our site. Basically fill in the blank box, click the button and I'll set ya up.
Americas Army News:
Version 1.9 should be ready to go pretty quick... At least thats what I and the rest of the Americas Army world are hoping... If you didn't already know, 1.9 is bringing in some much needed medics! As well as something called PunkBuster. PunkBuster will detect cheaters and make Americas Army a better game (less cheaters) The Kegger clan is a non-cheating clan... so if you have a bone to pick about a cheating Kegger, this is the place to come. These sections still to come:
  • Downloads
  • Pictures
  • Fan Fiction
  • Articles
  • Reviews
  • Mailbag
  • Job Openings
  • Feedback
  • Awards
  • Copyright
  • Chat
  • Links

  • Old News: Alright, well some quasi-good news. The forum has been upgraded (or downgraded) and is now forever ours! There aren't any smilies though, which makes us sad. We're still looking for soldiers! So join us! We need a few more members before we can challenge any other clans. Thanks for checking out the site!
    Hey welcome to the Kegger clan's website. The site is still under construction and alot of the sections are not online yet. Anyway, we have the most important parts up, like how to join, frequently asked questions, the message board, and our newest addition: The Hall of Shame. If you want to learn more about America's Army, visit If you want to learn more about the Keggers, stick around!

    All text and images copyright of The Kegger's Clan©