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Though this argument is only a glimpse of what it used to be and both sides have agreed to a treaty, Carrie still manages to remain on our Losers List.


BellaBabe9712: I, Carrie (wishes not to put last name), hate Scott. He can be an arrogant bastard. For example: when one knows oneself is fat, one doesnt need Scott to say "The next time you want a cupcake, think, do you really need it?" Also Bryan is the scariest creature in the world, let alone Branchburg. He's a dimwit and a psychopath.


AAMC: Thanks for that. Really, we did need a laugh. First off, Scott is someone who particularly  likes efficiency and organization and has proven that he can control things very well. Your obviously harboring under the misconception that this is arrogance as I, admittedly, have many times. I will admit, that on very random occasions, he may cross the line, but after all, the great one is human. But, people who bring him across the line, rightfully deserve it because they have pushed him to the point. He is not as short-tempered as you may think, just quick to confront and solve issues. Secondly, we at AAMC frown on laziness and certain types of obesity. People such as Shorty aka John, one of the main attractions on our Losers List, are incredibly lazy and have amazing opportunities to become fit and healthy. But, he chooses to sit on his ass all day and constantly repeat "I don't feel like it." He has at times reminded us that, when he grows he will no longer be fat. That's like denying what your name is and hoping it will change. We will not and never will tolerate this behavior. Obesity is plaguing the United States and should be put to a stop.

        ---------However, we do sympathize with genetic obesity, and people without the opportunities to become thinner-----------

Other than being loud, Bryan is just a normal person with a couple of flaws you psychotic bitch. And you think Scott is arrogant? Think about what your going to say before you start mouthing off.