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Pro Form Pinion Depth Set Up Tool


Aside from the pieces included in the kit, you will need the item displayed above. It is just a bolt and a nut which you can pick up at any hardware store. It is the same thread measurement as the carrier bearing cap bolt but is shorter by a few inches. The measurement is 1/2" coarse thread and 1 1/2" long. This will be the bolt that attaches the tool to the center section.
Pro Form Pinion Depth Set Up Tool. I have numbered the pieces that attach the indicator to the housing and will refer to those numbers throughout the instructions.
  1. Place the nut on the collet and hand tighten.
  1. Slide the dial indicator with 2" extension through the nut and collet. Hand tighten the nut so that the indicator slides only under pressure.
The dial indicator slid through the collet. The nut should be hand tight so that the indicator only slides when pressure is applied on it.
  1. Calibrate the dial indicator with the 2" calibration tube. (This will be harder to explain than it is to do.) Slide the indicator tip with extension into the 2" calibration tube. Apply pressure so that piece 3 and the calibration tube are completely flush. The needle on the dial indicator should move as the extension bottoms out in the calibration tube. Slide the indicator up or down so that when the extension bottoms out the needle rests about .010" to .030" from where it rests when not bottomed out. With everything held flush tighten the nut on the collet with a 5/8" combination wrench so that the dial indicator cannot slide up or down in the collet anymore. Holding piece 3 flush with the calibration tube, turn the dial on the indicator so that the needle points to zero when the extension is bottomed out. The tool is now calibrated for the first measurement.
The extension and indicator tip slid into the 2" calibration tube.
Piece 3 held firm and flush against the calibration tube. Notice that the needle on the dial indicator has moved about .010" froim where it rested in the picture above. This is good. Notice, however, that the needle does not rest on the zero on the indicator dial. Tighten the nut so that the dial indicator cannot be moved up or down through the collet.
The dial on the indicator is turned so that wherever the needle rests when it is held flush against the calibration tube it is pointing to the "0." The tool is now calibrated for the first measurement.
  1. Attach the tool to the housing. Using the bolt pictured at the top of the page bolt piece one to the bearing cap mating surface farthest from the pinion on the left (the reason we use the extra bolt versus the bearing cap bolt is because the cap bolt is too long.)
  1. Using the wing nut attach piece number two to piece number one with piece number two going underneath pice number one. This will be the platform that we will use to rest piece number three and the dial indicator on so that we can get a square measurement with the indicator.
  1. The first measurement we will take will be of the bearing bore. Place piece 3 flush against piece 2 so that the tip of the indicator is resting in the bearing bore. Slide the tool left and right and find the point at which the moves the least. Read the needle on the dial indicator and record it. Then, take that number and subtract it from two. This is our first number we need.
  1. Measure the carrier bearing race with a dial caliper. Take measurements at a few different points so that you know your measurement is accurate. Divide this number by two. Record the result.
Carrier Bearing Race being measured by a dial caliper.
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