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U.S. Army 2ID HHC Supporters and Spouses Network

The 2nd ID HHC spouses are located all over the world. This site is ment to be a way that those spouses and supporters of the 2ID HHC can connect with each other. Please remember while doing so that the safety of our troops must be the top priority for us. When sending email please follow a few simple guilelines. First, NEVER give exact location of your troop member. Second, use only first names or a nickname when referring to a specific military member. Third, Do NOT relay unconfirmed information via email! Violation of any of these will get your name removed from our updates list! If you would like to be included as a part of our update list please include the word "updates" in the subject heading of your email. Please remember that this site is currantly a work in progress. We already have volunteers ready to send shipments of much needed items to our troops. We will post information here on when those shipments are being sent and what you can do to help. Volunteers are needed as "pen pals" for our troops in the field. If you would like to be a "pen pal" please use that in the subject heading of your contact email. If you are a spouse of a military member and you just need to talk to someone, please feel free to contact me. The spouses of the 2nd ID HHC thanks you for your support and co-operation!

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
2ID Korea Website
