Long Hill Burial Ground

Trumbull, Connecticut

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Long Hill Burial Ground (not to be confused with Long Hill Burial Ground in Shelton) was established in 1764 and is located on Middlebrooks Avenue in Trumbull, Connecticut. The name of the street is relevant - there are dozens of Middlebrooks interred in Long Hill, including Lieutenant Ephraim Middlebrook, who seems to have had the honor of most impressive memorial until the late 1800s (photos provided later on this page). There are quite a few monuments from the 1700s, and many from the 1800s. Long Hill still accepts burials, and you can find many modern memorials (including one with a cell phone and Dunkin' Donuts cup engraved on it from 2007).

Estimated number of interments, as of January 2024: at least 2774.

Photos taken 15 April 2010.

Long Hill

A view of the older part (mostly 1800s) of Long Hill.

Lieut. Middlebrook space saver Middlebrook

"In memory of Lieu.t EPHRAIM MIDDLEBROOK who Fought, bled and died in defence of his Country, at the Battle at RIDGFIELD, on the 27th day of April 1777; In the 41st Year of his Age; and on the 3d day of May was Interred here with the Honors of War."

"Here on this Tomb come cast an eye, and view the Eagle great; He represents our Liberty, the union of the States; View in his claws the arrows sharp, the branch of oak likewise; A lively emblem of our smart [?], for victory o'er our Enemies; For which cause this Hero bled, on Ridgfield's bloody plain; And there was numbered with the dead, his country's freedom to obtain: In memory of which these lines were wrote, and to perpetuate his name; That his decendants ne'er forget, that for their freedom he was slain."

Middlebrook died while serving in the Continental Army under Gen. Benedict Arnold. He is listed on the Battle of Ridgefield memorial located on Main Street in Ridgefield, Connecticut.


"In Memory of Cap.t JOHN FRENCH who departed this Life Aug.st 31st 1796 Aged 75 Years." French served in the Revolutionary War.


"In memory of Capt. NATHANIEL BURTON of Trumbull, who departed this life at the Island of Antigua June 10, 1801 whilst master of the schooner Liberty, of Bridgeport; aged 38, & is there intered.

Also of Mrs. NANCY, relict of Doct. Stephen Middlebrook of Trumbull, Formerly wife of said Burton who died Oct. 5, 1823, & is here intered, aged 57."


"Erected to the memory of Rev. JAMES KENT a native of Scotland & for many years pastor of the Presbyterian church in Trumbull who died Sept. 10 1840, aged 45."


"In Memory of STARR STERLING son of Elijah & Anne Sterling, who left home Oct. 15, 1809 & arrived to his brother in the Isle of Antigua, Nov 11 & died the 24. his brother Silvanus 15 months after took his remains & was buried here May 1, 1811 Aged 16 years 6 months"

Theo. Middlebrook

ROBERT THEOPHILUS, son of Dr. Elijah & Comfort B. Middlebrook died at Panama April 28, 1849, Ae. 34 yr's 1mo & 5 d's.

His demeanor was correct; his purposes, right; his hopes, ardent; his affection abiding; his morals, uncorrupted; his friendships enduring. His memory is sweetly cherished; the brightness of his genius is untarnished. Lamented by society; by his honored acquaintance, by his parents, by the inmates of his earthly home, & by Her who cannot forget - his companionship in life. He died among strangers, on the shores of the Pacific but his bones repose here forever, among his friends.

Erected to his memory by his friends Burr Goodsell, Edmund Thompson James B. Thompson Geo. W. Sherman, Rivera St. Jurjo, Barney J. Meserole Minor Higbey."

space saver

Also: "POLLY ANN LATTIN wife of Robert Theophilus Middlebrook Aug. 30, 1817, May 16, 1902."

All photos copyright by the author, 2009. Not to be used or reproduced without permission.

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