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My Weight Loss Journey

Julie aka Flashette

Roll your mouse over above picture to see how I've changed.

I realize I'm not perfect, therefore my journey to goal won't be perfect

Weekly Weigh Ins
(now includes comments)

What's On My Mind
(old thoughts thru 8/2003)

Work in Progress Photos - Page 1

Work in Progress Photos - Page 2

Fab Four Challenge Central Gals

Michigan 100+ Gals

Family Photos

Comparison Photos

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= Last Updated 11/29/03

I've always known I was a bigger gal. I've been like this all my life and I guess it's something I've always just dealt with. Doctors have told me for years that I should lose weight as diabetes runs in my family (mother and father both have it), yet I guess it wasn't enough of a threat to get me to do something about it, until this last visit to the doctor's office for my annual physical. For the first time ever, I saw the word that I knew about in the back of my mind but just blocked it out until I actually saw it in writing....OBESITY. I knew I was fat, and yes, I guess I knew I was obese, but never really put too much thought into it until I saw it right there in black and white. I came home and cried all night. My husband was so wonderful and just held me and let me cry. He loves me so completely just the way I am, but at that moment I decided I couldn't be "the way I am" anymore...I have to do something!! So here I am. I feel better for exercising and eating healthier. And I look forward to having a new "way I am" for my darling husband to love :)

Keep stopping by as I post more pictures and share in my journey to a new and improved me! :)

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