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The Fabs!
The Ladies of the Fab Four WW Challenge

A little about the Fab Four Challenge. Back in June the challenge started out as the 4x4 Challenge and was started by Maia(pictured below). The object at the time was to exercise 30 minutes, 4 days a week for 4 weeks. After the first four weeks we added another 4 weeks. It was such a good challenge that we decided to drop the 4 week time frame and change the challenge name to Fab Four. There are three original members still with the challenge; Maia, Steph and myself and we've been blessed with the addition of several other wonderful ladies. Hopefully I can get pictures of everyone posted (*hint* *hint* ladies!!) :) We always welcome new members! You can find us at the WW Challenge Central Board, just look for the thread titled Fab Four.

Pictured here is Fab Four challenge founder, Maia (ok, I'm in the picture too in my leopard print santa hat..heh)!! I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Maia in person when she took a trip to Michigan to spend time with her family for the holidays. We had lunch, visited, and shopped. She was even sweet enough to help my kids pick out presents for me. Thanks again Maia...that was very much appreciated!! :)

Below is a picture of the beautiful Steph. I had the honor of meeting Steph through the Challenge Central WW Message Boards in the Fab Four Challenge. She is one of the original members starting back in June, 2002. Steph never ceases to amaze us with her abundance of energy. A stay at home mom of 2 darling daughters, Steph always finds a way to take time for herself. She's always around to offer support and understanding. Thanks Steph for always being there!! We don't know what we'd do without you! Click here for more pictures of Steph and her family

This next picture is of the lovely Laura, one of the newer members of the Fab Four Challenge. Although she isn't as wordie as some of us (don't worry Barbie, I won't mention your name...hehe), Laura is always there to cheer us on or comfort us if we need it. We are very happy to have her as part of our group!!

Below are pictures of our darling Joy from the Fab Four Challenge. Joy is always around being so upbeat, postive and encouraging. She has been a great addition to our challenge and we appreciate having her around!
Joy - before Joy - current

Next we have the lovely Lynda, one very busy grandma who loves to spend time with her grandchildren!! We truly appreciate the support Lynda provides the Fab Fours!
Lynda and Hubby, Christmas 2002 What a beautiful family! A night out to
see The Rockettes.
Speaking of Rockettes, here's a future member
(Lynda's Granddaughter) What a sweetheart!!

I had the pleasure of meeting Barbie on the Challenge Central WW Message Board in the Fab Four Challenge. She is always a constant source of support and humor for the members of the challenge. Self-named "Miss Wordy" our days are missing something if Barbie doesn't post. We are truly blessed to have her as part of our group! Click here to see more pictures of Barbie

Barbie - Before

Barbie - current

You ladies look incredible!! I'm very honored and thrilled to know you all! Keep up the excellent work!!

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