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Welcome to Wiz's Web Site Creations Give
 Yourself An Award Site

Welcome to Wiz's Web Site Creations Give Yourself An Award Site

If you did the best you can today, at any thing,
but you could have done a little better but
you just didn't feel like it...
and they just can't squeeze another ounce out of you...
Click Here to Give Yourself This Award.


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If you think you are the best looking on and off the web...
and you know it!! :)
and you really know your hot looking in the mirror..
..and you know John Travolta, and Bo Derik, don't have
any thing on you...
Click Here to Give Yourself This Award.


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If you know you have the sexiest smile, on or off the entire
world web...
...and you make men bump into things as they walk by...
or think of you...
Click Here to Give Yourself This Award.


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If you managed to get out of cooking dinner, washing clothes,
washing the car, taking care of the kids, going to work...
Click Here to Give Yourself This Award.


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If you have put up with your neighbor's loud, unnecessary, music,
parties, dirty yard, or stolen objects off their yard without
getting caught...
Click Here to Give Yourself This Award.


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If you managed to get out of a date to McDonalds with that
ugggly chick, dude, woman or creature...
...and you disguised your voice on your home phone to sound
like Bill Clinton...
Click Here to Give Yourself This Award.


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If you showed up to work 5 minutes early today cuz it was pay day...
or 2 hours early for that date with that chick or dude that said...
"maybe we'll go out"...
and you spent $100.00 at Holiday Inn for a room reservation..
and you paid $65.00 for those roses..
or you paid $150.00 at the beauty shop to get your hair fixed...
Click Here to Give Yourself This Award.


by wiz

If you got out of class, a homework assignment by pretending to
just have gotten hit by a car or truck or..
..pretended to "Just Not Understand This Topic"...
Played deathly ill and then got sick, or..
Missed classes for 3 days without any one knowing...
Click Here to Give Yourself This Award.


If you have read down this far...
Click Here to Give Yourself This Award.


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