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My Career Summary

My career I was researching was Elementary Education. While researching this career I came to find out a lot of information that I never new before. I have always been interested in working with kids, as a matter of fact, I work in a day care right now. I can say that it would definitely be a career to look into for the future. After learning a lot of stuff, my degree of certainty is not 100%. I think that working with kids is so fulfilling and so rewarding. The only downfall of it is the stress involved in this career. Working with young children puts a lot of pressure on your shoulders because you are a person that is turning them into the person they are going to grow up to be. It is also very stressful because it doesn’t pay enough to live off of alone. The median expected salary for a typical Teacher Elementary School in Orlando, FL 32822, is $41,810. (,3477,29-071,00.html). It is also stressful because kids are not always the quietest people around. Knowing that that is all you would make scares me. When I grow up I want to get married and have kids. With that salary it would be difficult to live comfortably with children and a husband. Job opportunities for teachers over the next 10 years should be excellent, attributable mostly to the large number of teachers expected to retire. Although employment of preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers is expected to increase about as fast as the average for all occupations ( I am almost positive that I would achieve immediate employment. There are job opportunities for teaching in almost any state. To me this is a good thing. I am a very not a very competitive person when it comes to certain things; one of those things are a job. Most elementary school teachers instruct one class of children in several subjects. In some schools, two or more teachers work as a team and are jointly responsible for a group of students in at least one subject. In other schools, a teacher may teach one special subject-usually music, art, reading, science, arithmetic, or physical education-to a number of classes.( To me the fact of knowing that I am making an impact on every child’s life that I come into contact with is very fulfilling. While you are teaching every kids eyes are on you, watching your every move and a lot of the time mimicking your every move. The activities of the job that I like is the feeling you get when all the kids tell you they love you and they smile at you. The part of the job that I dislike the most would be when the kids do not listen to you, it can become a very frustrating job. In conclusion, I have come to realize that I do not want to major in Elementary Education. It would be a good part time job, but I could never picture myself doing it for the rest of my life. But because I love kids so much I did keep them in my major, my new major is Child Psychology.