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News Update - - New Guild Layout!!!

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Messages :
*** I love this new Layout!!!!! ***

Hey! This is our new layout. I think it looks great! Do you like it? Wait, I am talking to myself know...You're On the computer and can't really talk to me unless you like talking to the computer!! haha!!

We have a lot of things for you to do but they aren't up yet so don't leave the guild just because we aren't done! We will have games, shop bg, banners, user lookups and even our own newsletter! If you want to know more about these things just hooold on! We will be done very soon!!!

Messages from the people!!
Posted By: kokakola2003
Date: Friday, January 16, 2004
Message: Hey I just wanted to try this out !!! lol !!!

Posted By: Otakumaster2008
Date Friday, January 16, 2004
Message: Hey! kokakola2003 is my sister so that is how I got on this thing cause i asked her !!! I helped her choose the layout!!! YAY!!

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