yes ~Ash~~
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Name People Used Story Subject who needs to read?
ASH Ash, Jeff,Christina We need to talk Jeff
~ Ash~!

PLease NOTE! ~Please NOTE!~
Special thanks goes to my bestfriend derek and jeff hardy for helping me with this with out them i could have never did it!
~Career Highlights!~
~ Womens Champion~
~Girl Firend of Jeff Hardy ~
~Partner of Stacy Keibler~
~Beat Christina~
~Beat Cena~
~Beat Trish for title~
Surgery on Neck

~ Ash!~


The scene opens up as we see Ash laying on her bed watching the "Real World". Then getting pissed off about the way Camren talks about Brad Ash gets up and wald over to her walk in closet. Ash standing there for a moment then reaches over and pulls out her wedding dress. While she is just sitting there looking at the dress, Ash picks up her cell phone and calls Jeff... 555-7878.. Ash then begins to talk to Jeff and she then asks him to come over. So Jeff tells Ash he will be there in about 20 min.

So as Ash stays at home upsairs 20 minutes pass by and jeff then pulls into Ash's beautiful North Carolina home in his 67 Ford Mustang Fastback. Jeff then walks inside the house and yells for ash.. ... ASH.... Ash then yells back and tells Jeff to come up stairs into the bed room. Jeff thinking he's getting some thing good has a smile on his face while he walks into the bed room.

Jeff- Hey hunny how are you? Did you need or want something? I mean I was goign to come out in a couple of hours but you sounded like you wanted some thing? Is it anything i can help with?? ( Jeff has a huge smile on his face).

ASh- Yea Jeff, you have some thing I want.. and i want it really bad... Jeff thinks that Ash wants to "play" around so he says oh really baby, as Ash then says.. Yeah I want some.... answers.... Jeff confuesed looks at ASh and says.. "About what?"

Ash- well you see this Jeff, this is called a wedding dress, its what you wear when a woman is going to get married.. Do you have any idea of who that woman is Jeff? It should be me.. but you know Jeff, i wanna marry so bad your the love of my life but do you wanna marry me? I mean someone who should be getting married they should have.. BOUGHT THERE TUX, AND SET A WEDDING DATE... And guess what Jeff you have not did any of them...

Jeff, the looks like he is about to cry as he says.. You know Ash i have been busy..

Ash then blows up she is so mad that she is screaming.. OK first off Jeff, I asked you to marry me, you know you didnt have to say yes if you dont thnk that you are ready or whatever, but you know i feel as if i am and you know I have tryed to do everything I possibly can for this wedding so it will be great and what have you done so far??? Nothing! And Jeff do you realize that we were to get married in like a week??

Ash then gets so mad that she throws everything off her bed including her wedding dress on the floor. Jeff starting to think that Ash has lost her mind just looks at her and shakes his head becasue he dont know what to do with her.

Jeff the reaches out to touch Ash on the shoulder but she just jerks back away from him. At this point in time it doesnt appear that ASh wants anything to do with Jeff.

Jeff- Ash im sorry for whatever i did, justtell me calm down.. tell me

Ash- Jeff you dont even have a clue do you? You dont even have any idea of a clue.. You wanna know what you did? Well Jeff its not what you did it's what you didnt do...

Ash- Jeff just tell me this do you love me?

Jeff then just looks at ASh as he is startled about what she is saying..

Well do you Jeff??? Do you??? And if you do do you wanna get married still?

ASh then waits on jeff's reply

The scene fades to black.