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T x T 2 3 84 (2:43:41 AM): its pretty late
T x T 2 3 84 (2:43:47 AM): shouldn't u be in bed by now?
lOlliPAWPS (2:43:59 AM): PSH
lOlliPAWPS (2:44:02 AM): i waws gooooing
lOlliPAWPS (2:44:07 AM): til u imd me
lOlliPAWPS (2:44:09 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (2:44:17 AM): wut abowt u?
T x T 2 3 84 (2:44:22 AM): well i guess its my fault again huh
T x T 2 3 84 (2:44:26 AM): well just checking email
T x T 2 3 84 (2:44:32 AM): and doing something for my uncle
lOlliPAWPS (2:45:12 AM): do u have cable modem?
T x T 2 3 84 (2:46:30 AM): nah i dont
T x T 2 3 84 (2:46:34 AM): but im about to get one
T x T 2 3 84 (2:46:36 AM): y?
lOlliPAWPS (2:46:54 AM): jus wonderin
lOlliPAWPS (2:46:56 AM): i got it
lOlliPAWPS (2:46:59 AM): = P
T x T 2 3 84 (2:47:01 AM): lol
T x T 2 3 84 (2:47:12 AM): well u told me that already
lOlliPAWPS (2:47:16 AM): how do crazy ppl go thru the forest?
lOlliPAWPS (2:47:18 AM): oh oh!
lOlliPAWPS (2:47:25 AM): i just got a new processor too
lOlliPAWPS (2:47:32 AM): a bigger hard drive
lOlliPAWPS (2:47:42 AM): didnt even ask for it hahah
lOlliPAWPS (2:47:51 AM): my bro gets all the best shit
T x T 2 3 84 (2:47:52 AM): haha
lOlliPAWPS (2:47:57 AM): :-P
lOlliPAWPS (2:48:13 AM): how do crazy ppl go thru the forest?
lOlliPAWPS (2:48:19 AM): they take the PSYCHO PATH
lOlliPAWPS (2:48:21 AM): hahahha
T x T 2 3 84 (2:48:23 AM): well i bet that i KNOW MORE about computers than u do
lOlliPAWPS (2:48:30 AM): so what
lOlliPAWPS (2:48:35 AM): i still got better shit
lOlliPAWPS (2:48:39 AM): :-P
T x T 2 3 84 (2:48:58 AM): hah.. well i guess that u take that path when u go through the forest huh?
T x T 2 3 84 (2:49:20 AM): well but i PAY for my OWN shiet
T x T 2 3 84 (2:49:25 AM): :-(
T x T 2 3 84 (2:49:46 AM): u dont
T x T 2 3 84 (2:49:48 AM): lucky u
lOlliPAWPS (2:49:51 AM): well have ur parents pay 4 it 2 then!!
lOlliPAWPS (2:49:57 AM): my bro doesnt pay either
lOlliPAWPS (2:50:02 AM): he says he will
lOlliPAWPS (2:50:06 AM): but he doesnt
lOlliPAWPS (2:50:07 AM): hahha
lOlliPAWPS (2:50:18 AM): ohh how old ru?!
lOlliPAWPS (2:50:41 AM): my parents dont even want me 2 get a job
lOlliPAWPS (2:50:46 AM): so they gotta comply n E way
lOlliPAWPS (2:50:48 AM): = D
T x T 2 3 84 (2:50:58 AM): i guess they dont want their lil princess gets hurt
lOlliPAWPS (2:51:21 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (2:51:33 AM): hey! whos their little princess!?
lOlliPAWPS (2:51:42 AM): :-(
T x T 2 3 84 (2:52:52 AM): U "ahem"
lOlliPAWPS (2:53:22 AM): OHH
lOlliPAWPS (2:53:23 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (2:53:28 AM): im not
lOlliPAWPS (2:53:44 AM): psssssst
T x T 2 3 84 (2:53:49 AM): yeah sure
lOlliPAWPS (2:53:51 AM): ur info ran away
lOlliPAWPS (2:53:53 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (2:53:59 AM): XD
T x T 2 3 84 (2:54:00 AM): well bc im not using dan's comp
lOlliPAWPS (2:54:08 AM): oh
lOlliPAWPS (2:54:17 AM): how was boomers 4 u?
lOlliPAWPS (2:54:21 AM): i couldnt go
lOlliPAWPS (2:54:23 AM): = (
T x T 2 3 84 (2:54:28 AM): ohh i missed u that day
T x T 2 3 84 (2:54:30 AM): jk
T x T 2 3 84 (2:54:42 AM): well boomers was alrite
T x T 2 3 84 (2:55:04 AM): i think we gonna go to the one in Irvine next week
lOlliPAWPS (2:55:08 AM): ohh fine thanks 4 NOT missing me
lOlliPAWPS (2:55:12 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (2:55:15 AM): ooh
lOlliPAWPS (2:55:22 AM): tues/ right?
T x T 2 3 84 (2:55:38 AM): humm do you have psychic power
T x T 2 3 84 (2:55:43 AM): how do u know?
lOlliPAWPS (2:55:46 AM): actually
lOlliPAWPS (2:55:56 AM): i AM kinda psychic
lOlliPAWPS (2:56:07 AM): = ]
T x T 2 3 84 (2:56:09 AM): humm u mean psychopath
lOlliPAWPS (2:56:17 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (2:56:19 AM): that too
lOlliPAWPS (2:56:27 AM): no seriously tho
T x T 2 3 84 (2:56:38 AM): yeah.. i guess we gonna go on tues
lOlliPAWPS (2:56:58 AM): did u have fun?
T x T 2 3 84 (2:57:19 AM): well it was alrite until Tony ruined it
T x T 2 3 84 (2:57:31 AM): im sure that tony told u all about it
lOlliPAWPS (2:57:43 AM): nooo!
lOlliPAWPS (2:57:46 AM): wut wut?
T x T 2 3 84 (2:57:59 AM): yeah he spends hours on phone talking to u
T x T 2 3 84 (2:58:05 AM): im sure that he mentioned about it
lOlliPAWPS (2:58:16 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (2:58:24 AM): so wuts that gotta do with wut happened?
T x T 2 3 84 (2:58:24 AM): he wanted to go home early and that was a real bummer
lOlliPAWPS (2:58:27 AM): wut happened?
lOlliPAWPS (2:58:31 AM): ohhh
lOlliPAWPS (2:58:33 AM): y tho?
T x T 2 3 84 (2:58:51 AM): he needed to eat
T x T 2 3 84 (2:59:02 AM): and he didnt want me to pay
lOlliPAWPS (2:59:12 AM): psh thats all
lOlliPAWPS (2:59:12 AM): y didnt u guys go get food
lOlliPAWPS (2:59:18 AM): did he drive u guys?
lOlliPAWPS (2:59:19 AM): ohh
T x T 2 3 84 (2:59:20 AM): so he made up some excuses and got home
T x T 2 3 84 (2:59:22 AM): nah..
lOlliPAWPS (2:59:24 AM): well he should have let u then
lOlliPAWPS (2:59:26 AM): n paid u back
T x T 2 3 84 (2:59:30 AM): dan's sis gave us a ride
lOlliPAWPS (2:59:32 AM): hahah
T x T 2 3 84 (2:59:39 AM): exactly
lOlliPAWPS (2:59:43 AM): well cant blame him
T x T 2 3 84 (2:59:44 AM): thats what friends are 4
lOlliPAWPS (2:59:53 AM): ppl get hungry tho
T x T 2 3 84 (3:00:22 AM): we were there 4 2 hours and he wanted to go home
lOlliPAWPS (3:00:45 AM): nuh uh!
lOlliPAWPS (3:00:52 AM): how long were u there total?
lOlliPAWPS (3:01:52 AM): wanna c wut my sister did? hahah
T x T 2 3 84 (3:01:53 AM): approximately 6 hours
lOlliPAWPS (3:01:57 AM): hmm
T x T 2 3 84 (3:01:59 AM): yeah sure
lOlliPAWPS wants to directly connect (3:02:21 AM).
lOlliPAWPS is now directly connected (3:02:26 AM).
lOlliPAWPS (3:03:22 AM): [IMG SRC="fREAk.JPG" ID="1" WIDTH="1024" HEIGHT="768" DATASIZE="203077"]
lOlliPAWPS (3:03:29 AM): the white stufs sunblock
lOlliPAWPS (3:03:39 AM): n those black things r moles
lOlliPAWPS (3:03:42 AM): n im a unicorn
lOlliPAWPS (3:03:44 AM): also an angel
lOlliPAWPS (3:03:49 AM): n also a she devil
T x T 2 3 84 (3:04:07 AM): thats so CUTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEE
lOlliPAWPS (3:04:11 AM): n she tried to write "naughty" up top but she messed up so i said ha ha!
lOlliPAWPS (3:04:16 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (3:04:23 AM): like whoa
lOlliPAWPS (3:04:26 AM): pt ur glasses on
lOlliPAWPS (3:04:28 AM): = P
T x T 2 3 84 (3:04:51 AM): was it a work of younger sis or older?
lOlliPAWPS (3:06:39 AM): [IMG SRC="DSC04840.JPG" ID="2" WIDTH="1024" HEIGHT="768" DATASIZE="332367"]
lOlliPAWPS (3:06:42 AM): older
lOlliPAWPS (3:06:45 AM): shes 22
lOlliPAWPS (3:06:48 AM): j/k
lOlliPAWPS (3:06:50 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (3:06:52 AM): shes 10
lOlliPAWPS (3:06:56 AM): oh yeah thats my door
lOlliPAWPS (3:06:57 AM): hahaha
lOlliPAWPS (3:07:07 AM): the part with the glare says "stupid"
lOlliPAWPS (3:07:08 AM): as in
lOlliPAWPS (3:07:16 AM): boys r stupid, throw rocks at them!
lOlliPAWPS (3:07:17 AM): hahaha
lOlliPAWPS (3:07:25 AM): i want the mousepad that has that on it
lOlliPAWPS (3:07:29 AM): but its $15
lOlliPAWPS (3:07:31 AM): crap
lOlliPAWPS (3:07:58 AM): oh yeah thats me she drew on
T x T 2 3 84 (3:08:18 AM): well i like the first one better
T x T 2 3 84 (3:08:21 AM): since its about u
lOlliPAWPS (3:08:33 AM): hahahah
lOlliPAWPS (3:08:37 AM): oh oh!
T x T 2 3 84 (3:08:38 AM): i bet that u gave her bad ideas on the second one
lOlliPAWPS (3:08:45 AM): i just got more of those kinda stickers too
lOlliPAWPS (3:08:48 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (3:08:57 AM): SHE bought those
lOlliPAWPS (3:08:59 AM): hahahhaha
T x T 2 3 84 (3:09:02 AM): u poison ur lil sis mind
lOlliPAWPS (3:09:07 AM): i was like alriiiiiiiight!
lOlliPAWPS (3:09:11 AM): n high fivin her
lOlliPAWPS (3:09:14 AM): PSH
lOlliPAWPS (3:09:18 AM): its just the truth
lOlliPAWPS (3:09:25 AM): n u kNOW how i a with the truth
T x T 2 3 84 (3:09:30 AM): no its NOT
lOlliPAWPS (3:09:49 AM): oh yeah my older bro saw the stickers n he thot they were mines
lOlliPAWPS (3:09:52 AM): hahahah
lOlliPAWPS (3:09:52 AM): yuh HUH
lOlliPAWPS (3:09:55 AM): just admit it
T x T 2 3 84 (3:10:09 AM): well not ALL
T x T 2 3 84 (3:10:13 AM): just a few thing
lOlliPAWPS (3:10:30 AM): PSH
lOlliPAWPS (3:10:31 AM): hahah
T x T 2 3 84 (3:10:49 AM): well actually i dont know about others but im sure that art doesn't apply on me
T x T 2 3 84 (3:10:59 AM): bc im not like that
T x T 2 3 84 (3:11:03 AM): ;-)
lOlliPAWPS (3:12:13 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (3:12:32 AM): sure wutevr u say
lOlliPAWPS (3:12:34 AM): = ]

T x T 2 3 84 (3:12:41 AM): well thats the truth
T x T 2 3 84 (3:12:51 AM): and u know how i feel about truths
T x T 2 3 84 (3:13:35 AM): do you think antoni is stupid? "not my question"
lOlliPAWPS (3:14:03 AM): whaaaat
lOlliPAWPS (3:14:04 AM): hahaha
lOlliPAWPS (3:14:08 AM): who asked that?
T x T 2 3 84 (3:14:17 AM): the immature
T x T 2 3 84 (3:14:24 AM): guy
lOlliPAWPS (3:15:15 AM): which one?
T x T 2 3 84 (3:15:19 AM): dan
lOlliPAWPS (3:15:21 AM): all guys r immature
lOlliPAWPS (3:15:22 AM): = ]
lOlliPAWPS (3:15:24 AM): hahah
T x T 2 3 84 (3:15:44 AM): did u include me in that
T x T 2 3 84 (3:16:00 AM): welll thats true
lOlliPAWPS (3:16:07 AM): wut did i jus say
lOlliPAWPS (3:16:12 AM): r u a guy?
T x T 2 3 84 (3:16:12 AM): Guys are immature
lOlliPAWPS (3:16:13 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (3:16:18 AM): exacttly
T x T 2 3 84 (3:16:36 AM): we dont carry that feminine thing in our blood
T x T 2 3 84 (3:16:47 AM): so we kindda act stupid thing sometime
lOlliPAWPS (3:17:25 AM): so ur saying guys that r feminine r smart?
lOlliPAWPS (3:17:30 AM): that doesnt make any sense
lOlliPAWPS (3:17:36 AM): SOMEtimes ey
lOlliPAWPS (3:17:38 AM): hahaha
lOlliPAWPS (3:17:49 AM): tOk abowt understatements
lOlliPAWPS (3:17:50 AM): hahah
T x T 2 3 84 (3:17:58 AM): nah.. i mean straight guys are immature
lOlliPAWPS (3:18:16 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (3:18:20 AM): n gay guys arent?
T x T 2 3 84 (3:18:22 AM): all they care is having fun
T x T 2 3 84 (3:18:26 AM): well some
lOlliPAWPS (3:18:27 AM): get ur story straight
lOlliPAWPS (3:18:28 AM): hahah
T x T 2 3 84 (3:18:31 AM): damn..
lOlliPAWPS (3:18:38 AM): PSH n straight guys dont?
T x T 2 3 84 (3:18:40 AM): now im confused
lOlliPAWPS (3:18:40 AM): HA HA
lOlliPAWPS (3:18:44 AM): guys
lOlliPAWPS (3:18:51 AM): they never have their stories straight
lOlliPAWPS (3:19:02 AM): but if they was bETTER *ahem*
T x T 2 3 84 (3:19:09 AM): yeah we work our way around
lOlliPAWPS (3:19:10 AM): they wouldnt have to make up stories in the first place
lOlliPAWPS (3:19:17 AM): nope
lOlliPAWPS (3:19:23 AM): u get ur foot in ur mouths
lOlliPAWPS (3:19:26 AM): :-X
lOlliPAWPS (3:19:31 AM): u know it
lOlliPAWPS (3:19:47 AM): aint nuttin* go by ME
lOlliPAWPS (3:19:49 AM): shoot
lOlliPAWPS (3:19:52 AM): hahah = ]
T x T 2 3 84 (3:19:54 AM): lol :-!
lOlliPAWPS (3:19:57 AM): hahahha
lOlliPAWPS (3:19:59 AM): EXACCtly
T x T 2 3 84 (3:21:25 AM): u always want EVERYTHING ur WAY HUH?
T x T 2 3 84 (3:21:36 AM): its either ur way or the highway
lOlliPAWPS (3:22:01 AM): PSH u kno it
lOlliPAWPS (3:22:07 AM): MY ways the BEST way
lOlliPAWPS (3:22:10 AM): ask anthony!!
lOlliPAWPS (3:22:13 AM): :-P
lOlliPAWPS (3:22:15 AM): hahaha
T x T 2 3 84 (3:22:17 AM): u was afraid that u gonna say tha t
T x T 2 3 84 (3:22:26 AM): *i
lOlliPAWPS (3:22:26 AM): oooh i was huh
lOlliPAWPS (3:22:27 AM): hahhaha
lOlliPAWPS (3:22:29 AM): hahahhaha
lOlliPAWPS (3:22:30 AM): boys
lOlliPAWPS (3:22:31 AM): hahhahah
T x T 2 3 84 (3:22:33 AM): lol
T x T 2 3 84 (3:22:48 AM): *ahem* im not a boy
lOlliPAWPS (3:23:59 AM): hahaha
lOlliPAWPS (3:24:01 AM): u WISH
lOlliPAWPS (3:24:08 AM): cause u'd b better if u werent
lOlliPAWPS (3:24:10 AM): oh oh!
lOlliPAWPS (3:24:14 AM): i saw anthony today!
T x T 2 3 84 (3:24:14 AM): Gurls R Evil
lOlliPAWPS (3:24:29 AM): PSH
lOlliPAWPS (3:24:34 AM): i know the guy who did that
lOlliPAWPS (3:24:36 AM): hahah
T x T 2 3 84 (3:24:44 AM): lol
T x T 2 3 84 (3:24:51 AM): i see antoni everyday
lOlliPAWPS (3:24:55 AM): yeahhhh u guys act like U rnt trouble ey?
T x T 2 3 84 (3:24:56 AM): almost
lOlliPAWPS (3:24:59 AM): PSH shuddup
lOlliPAWPS (3:25:14 AM): we TAKE CARE of ur lazy STUPIDasses!
T x T 2 3 84 (3:25:15 AM): well and always talk to him
lOlliPAWPS (3:25:21 AM): so do i!
T x T 2 3 84 (3:25:25 AM): humm DO YOU?
lOlliPAWPS (3:25:36 AM): no but girls take care of boys
lOlliPAWPS (3:25:42 AM): n u freakin know it
lOlliPAWPS (3:25:44 AM): so ha
T x T 2 3 84 (3:26:00 AM): well some guys also take care of their gurls
T x T 2 3 84 (3:26:03 AM): and u also know that
lOlliPAWPS (3:27:09 AM): no, not like the girls do
lOlliPAWPS (3:27:15 AM): n u know it
lOlliPAWPS (3:27:22 AM): girls do everything else
lOlliPAWPS (3:27:32 AM): dont even defend it
lOlliPAWPS (3:27:35 AM): its been like that
lOlliPAWPS (3:27:39 AM): since forever
T x T 2 3 84 (3:28:29 AM): ohh but things have change
lOlliPAWPS (3:28:39 AM): nope
T x T 2 3 84 (3:28:50 AM): the world is much diffferent since 4ever until now
T x T 2 3 84 (3:28:52 AM): yeah
T x T 2 3 84 (3:29:01 AM): u live in more comfort life
lOlliPAWPS (3:29:08 AM): yeah girls got it even WORSE now
(IM Window Cleared)
lOlliPAWPS (3:29:12 AM): u fuckin swear
T x T 2 3 84 (3:29:14 AM): have more luxury things
lOlliPAWPS (3:29:25 AM): there r only 20% of women who dont work
lOlliPAWPS (3:29:29 AM): n stay at home
lOlliPAWPS (3:29:32 AM): so the REST
lOlliPAWPS (3:29:41 AM): have to work plus do all the other shit
lOlliPAWPS (3:29:44 AM): that the guys dont
lOlliPAWPS (3:29:59 AM): so stfu if u dont kno
T x T 2 3 84 (3:30:25 AM): why are you all get upset about that 4
lOlliPAWPS (3:30:43 AM): im upset
lOlliPAWPS (3:30:45 AM): just tellin it
lOlliPAWPS (3:30:55 AM): its wrong n e way
lOlliPAWPS (3:31:28 AM): 4 out of 5 women spend 90 hrs a week
lOlliPAWPS (3:31:41 AM): working PLUS rearing kids n doing household shit
T x T 2 3 84 (3:31:56 AM): well i gotta agree with u on that one
lOlliPAWPS (3:32:05 AM): PSH it was in the health book
lOlliPAWPS (3:32:09 AM): so its not like u cant
T x T 2 3 84 (3:32:11 AM): but not all guys are lazy
lOlliPAWPS (3:32:16 AM): im smarter than u think TY
lOlliPAWPS (3:32:25 AM): PSH i know that
lOlliPAWPS (3:32:31 AM): but thats like total...10 guys in the world
T x T 2 3 84 (3:32:33 AM): well im sorry if i ever judged u like that
lOlliPAWPS (3:32:36 AM): bIG WOOP
lOlliPAWPS (3:32:38 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (3:32:43 AM): lets hope so
lOlliPAWPS (3:33:09 AM): then lets not make the same mistakes tWiCE shall we?
lOlliPAWPS (3:33:20 AM): oh yeah did i ever punch u?
T x T 2 3 84 (3:33:33 AM): there is no way im gonna win at any arguements against u
T x T 2 3 84 (3:33:40 AM): so i might as well agree with u
T x T 2 3 84 (3:33:57 AM): well let me thing
T x T 2 3 84 (3:34:00 AM): *think
lOlliPAWPS (3:34:03 AM): u cant win unless ur right
T x T 2 3 84 (3:34:03 AM): yeah a lot of times
lOlliPAWPS (3:34:08 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (3:34:13 AM): nuh uh when?
T x T 2 3 84 (3:34:26 AM): u remember the party
T x T 2 3 84 (3:34:32 AM): u hit me when we were in the car
lOlliPAWPS (3:34:32 AM): i might be a lawyer or a judge did u know that?
lOlliPAWPS (3:34:37 AM): or a psychiatrist
lOlliPAWPS (3:34:41 AM): hmm
T x T 2 3 84 (3:34:42 AM): yeah u told me that
lOlliPAWPS (3:34:42 AM): thats ONE
lOlliPAWPS (3:34:43 AM): then?
T x T 2 3 84 (3:34:50 AM): except for that part about psychiatrist
lOlliPAWPS (3:34:54 AM): so dont think im so DUMB then
lOlliPAWPS (3:34:58 AM): OH
T x T 2 3 84 (3:35:07 AM): i never think about u that way
T x T 2 3 84 (3:35:19 AM): i always think about u as a gurl who will get what she wants
lOlliPAWPS (3:35:41 AM): wow pretty good guess! = ]
lOlliPAWPS (3:35:47 AM): tony thinks that oo
lOlliPAWPS (3:35:49 AM): too*
lOlliPAWPS (3:35:53 AM): howd u figure?
T x T 2 3 84 (3:36:05 AM): its so obvious
T x T 2 3 84 (3:36:14 AM): u show it throught our conver
lOlliPAWPS (3:36:28 AM): ohh
lOlliPAWPS (3:36:30 AM): thanks = ]
lOlliPAWPS (3:36:37 AM): cause some ppl dont notice
lOlliPAWPS (3:36:39 AM): or realize it
T x T 2 3 84 (3:37:04 AM): well im different from them
T x T 2 3 84 (3:37:10 AM): hope that u already realized it by now
lOlliPAWPS (3:37:41 AM): hahah
lOlliPAWPS (3:37:43 AM): i dont know
lOlliPAWPS (3:37:52 AM): u seemed shady
lOlliPAWPS (3:38:04 AM): i knew u liked 2 tok 2 me
lOlliPAWPS (3:38:15 AM): n then u go n tell dan that i tok 2 much n shi
T x T 2 3 84 (3:38:39 AM): well i like talking to u
T x T 2 3 84 (3:38:58 AM): well i dont GO and TELL dan that u talk a lot
T x T 2 3 84 (3:39:08 AM): he reads my stuffs