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The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

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Quick Summary

This novel is about four best friends who are going to be apart from each other for the first time since they were born. On the eve of their separation, they discover that a pair of seemingly ordinary jeans are, in fact, "magical". These jeans fit each of the girls', very different, bodies to perfection. The girls then create the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and vow that each will get a turn with the pants. This way, they will have a way to stay together, even though they are apart. The Pants see each girl through adventure, heartbreak, shame, celebration, self discovery, and love.

In-Depth Summary


The novel begins with a prologue to set up the foundation for the rest of the story. It begins with a description of how the pants first came into Carmen's life, as told by Carmen. She and Lena had tagged along with Lena’s sister, Effie, on a shopping trip to a thrift store. Carmen was turned off by the idea of wearing used clothing, but felt like she had to buy something.

“Truth was, I yearned for the clean mindlessness of the Express, but I had to buy something. The pants were folded innocently on a shelf by the counter where you pay. I figured maybe they’d been washed. Also, they were only $3.49 including tax. I didn’t even try them on, so you can tell I wasn’t serious about keeping them ... When I got home, I put the pants in the back of my closet and forgot about them.”
Next are introductions to the main characters, how their friendships came to be, and why they are so close. [To learn more about the characters, Click Here.]

A Quick Breakdown:

Carmen, Lena, Tibby, and Bridget have been best friends since birth. They are actually more than just friends, they are like sisters. They support one another, they love one another, and they know each other better than they know themselves. According to Carmen:

“Sometimes it seems like we’re so close we form one single complete person rather than four separate ones ... You know what the secret is? It’s so simple. We love one another. We’re nice to one another. Do you know how rare that is?”
Summers are especially important, as almost everything of consequence happens during those few months. But this summer will be different. It is the first time they will not be together. Lena’s going to Greece, Carmen to South Carolina, Bridget to Mexico, and Tibby is staying home in Maryland. Each girl is saddened by the thought of being apart from her friends for so long. [To learn more about the settings, Click Here.]


The actual story (chapter one) begins on the day before their first summer apart, when the girls discover the magic of the pants. Through a short series of events, it is learned that the Pants fit perfectly to each of the girls’, very differently shaped, bodies. They decide to take advantage of the gift they have been given, so they have a ceremony to honor and pledge a vow to the Pants.

“Magic comes in many forms. Tonight it comes to us in a pair of pants. I hereby propose that these Pants belong to us equally, that they will travel to all the places we’re going, and they will keep us together when we are apart ... Tonight we are the Sisters of the Pants. Tonight we give the Pants the love of our Sisterhood so we can take that love wherever we go.”
Next, the manifesto is laid out, and the timeline of the journey of the Pants is set up.

From here on, they story develops into four separate paths, following each of the girls’ adventures through the summer. They are connected only by a few letters and, of course, the Pants. This continues until a brief conclusion, in the form of an epilogue, when the girls are reunited, and when they celebrate the first summer of the Pants.

I have decided that the main events, or adventures, that each of the girls go through, will be left out of this summary. As it is the bulk of the story, I feel it is best left in it's original, unsimplified version. If you'd like to know more, I have included some "teasers" in the Characters section, as to what each girl must overcome. Also check out the Themes breakdown, or simply read the book!

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