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Raxananikoan Religion


The Raxananikoa are, for the most part, monotheistic. They worship Raxanazar, the Deity of Winds, Time, and Change. He is said to have changed the void into being. Now he controls the flow of time and the flow of the winds. Raxanazar's wife is Salaakkiokke, "She Speaks to Waters." Her domain is the Tiokisala, "quiet waters." She comes to visit lake Hukasal to bless it with fish. She causes streams to flow from the mountains to the sea. She also calms the Southern Seas for her sailors, who carve her name on their ships. She goes not to the north, where the water roars and tears apart, for it is there that her husband, Raxanazar, battles the Tinxnaluma, "Northern Dark," an unknown evil force that is seldom, if ever, spoken of in Raxanadon.

The Priests and Priestesses of Raxanazar are required to wear wings at all times, except when bearing the ritual wing swords. Weapons play an important role in ceremonies dedicated to Raxanazar. The spear in particular has developed into many forms, including the ritual spear, with a large, wide blade more similar to that of a sword than that of a spear, and the banner spear. The ceremonies also include the burning of incense in bowls similar to the Bowl of Winds, which Raxanazar carries. While the most sacred functions still occur in the temple at Gudnaband, the city of Hukasal also contains a magnificent temple. Moreover, almost every settlement has a local temple to Raxanazar.

Training to become a priest or priestess of Raxanazar starts in childhood. Young children, whether rich or orphaned, begin training at age 7. They live at the local temple under the care of the priests and priestesses. Orphans especially are brought to the temple, where they have a home, clothing, and food. The children are instructed in the basic facilities of reading, writing, and mathematics, as well as elementary religion. When they reach the age of 14, more rigorous training begins, and the students learn history, geography, astronomy, and advanced religion. It is at this age that these priests-and-priestesses-in-training have their hair bleached and dyed a silvery grey, and when they are given their first pairs of wings to wear. 

 While most worship in Raxanadon is devoted to Raxanazar, there is a small group of priestesses who serve Salaakkiokke. The Temple of Salaakkiokke is located on the shores of Lake Hukasal, on the opposite side of the city of the same name. They, unlike all other Raxananikoan priestesses, wear no wings. Instead, they wear earth-toned robes with no feather patterns. Their main rituals involve growing plants, which they tend to very carefully.