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Click Here for our New URL -----> Good by Free Angelfire 

News Flash:  08-28-2003  Hey!   How many of you think the Programmers at Angelfire, deserve some Red Hot Bare Bottom Spankings for sticking this AD right in the Middle of our Text, and Pictures?  Well now, will you look at that!!  Almost all of your hands went up in unison!!  ;-)

We could remind the Ad Managers, at Angelfire, that enough is enough, and that some Ads are better than none!  Butt, Ve have Vays, and it's easy to just go ahead and move, and that's exactly what we just did.

Please Join us in our new Space, and we won't be missing the ever increasing Number of Ads about things so many won't be buying in this Age of so much Economic Uncertainty.

So, Angelfire, thanks for the Posting Space, and Lotsa Luck.