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Poems Written by Me

Beauty- You're more beautiful than the brighest summer day, shine brighter than a moon's ray. You awaken something inside me, set my soul free. My love grows everyday, Until "I love you" is all I can say. I ache with the passion in my heart, I wish with all my strength for us to never be apart. You complete my soul, you make me whole. My sweet, I love you. __________ Midnight Passion- I rush for our rendezvous, Every night like I always do. I meet you under the elm that night, Oh, you look beautiful in the moon's light! As soon as I get there we embrace, The feel of your body, making my heart race. I do so hope that yours will give chase. I gently stroke your soft cheek, You gaze into my eyes as if to seek, For the depths of my love. Oh, but you must have been sent from above! We draw closer for a kiss, I have waited all my life for this. You embrace me tighter still, My heart will never get it's fill. Of our midnight passion.__________ Nighttime Eternal- The pale moon's rays cast your beauty aglow. And with each passing day, my love continues to grow. Underneath the moon we both stand, Then walk along, hand in hand. We stop by a familiar spot. I look into your eyes,each a glistening beautiful dot. Together our lips do come, yours, as soft as silk. And although this moment will soon pass us by, I know we will kiss again. Forever until we die.__________ My sweet- When you're not near my heart weeps. My love for you runs deep. To you I've pledged my heart, I never want out paths to part. I yearn to taste your sweet lips, to rest my hands gently on your hips. I seal my life to yours with this kiss, for I know we will live in eternal bliss.__________ Whispered Words- Your scent, so sweet. I breathe it in deep. This feeling inside me, it must be set free. This poetic fire in me burns bright, yet it cannot outshine your beauty's light. These whispered words inside my head. "Love, beauty, without her I'm dead. Soft lips, deep eyes, she sustains me like bread. To kiss her, hold her, like a dying man I plead." My stomach churns, I gaze into your eyes. "Will she kiss me? Hath the time drawn nigh?" I tremble at your smile, to reach you I'd run miles. Always for you, I am your true knight. Always for you, my love burns bright.__________ Golden Leaves- Our eyes first meet and the seeds are planted. Well-tended and taken care of, it grows. We dream at night through moonlight slanted, and in daylight hours our affection glows. Through years our bark grows strong against heartbreak, flowers budding on limbs sweetly scented. No damage is taken when winds do shake, no fear can slay us, when such presented. Fully grown and rooted, our limbs reach far, a great tree our love is, with none on par.

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