
DISCLAIMER: This site and its creator are in no way affiliated with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel the Series or Queer as Folk. Myself and others involved in role plays or other authors of fanfiction do not intend to copyright infringement. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel the Series belongs to Joss Whedon, 20th Century Fox, Mutant Enemy, Sandollar Television and Kuzui Enterprises. The show is distributed by 20th Century Fox and the Warner Brothers Television Network and UPN. We also hold no affiliation to Queer as Folk creators and distributors, ShowTime, Russell T. Davies, CowLip, and any others I may have forgotten to name. This web site, its operators and any content on this site relating to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" are not authorized by Fox. All of the graphics on this site were altered by ~Talion or Sandra and if you have a question about them, please mail me at Talion@ev1.net. Though the graphics were made by me (and San), the BtVS/AtS pictures used in them are © Fox and The WB or UPN; The QaF pictures used in them are © ShowTime and CowLip.

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