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%%sUpEr DuPer%%
%%4/19/03%% - %%11:07 am%%

hEy hEy wUtS sHaKIN evERyOnE...weLL aNyWhO...i hAvE tHE beSt fRiEnDs aNyOnE cOuLd pOssIbLy hAvE yaLL hAVe beEn thErE wiTH mE thRoUgH thIcK ANd thIN aND i LOVE yAlL fOr thAt wE hAVe sUch fUN aND awEsOme tImEs tOgEThER iT gETs a LittLE cRAzY aND dRAmAtIc..i aM aLwAYs hERe fOr yaLL iF yA evER nEed anYThIng aT aLL... i LOvE yOu gUyS...