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In this lesson, students will learn all about dreams; what they mean, different dream symbols and their definitions, how to compose a dream journal, etc. The content area for this webquest is science,(because the students must learn about the human brain), social studies,(because it deals with psychology), and language arts (because the students are required to write). There are no specific resourcs that teachers need in the classroom, (except for a piece of paper).


Did you ever wonder what your dreams actually mean? Or did you ever have an odd feeling that what you dream may relate to your life? Well, this site gives you the opportunity to decode dreams, find out what certain dream symbols mean, and learn how to create a dream journal. Now you get to figure why you have the dreams you do, and the chance to decipher other peoples' dreams as well! Have fun!


In this site you must analyze dreams. When you watch the dreams paly over and over, you must record what some of the most noticable symbols are on a sheet of paper. Then use one of the sites below to look of what the symbols mean (see dream dictionary). Once you've done this, piece all of the symbols together, and summarize what they mean, and analyze the dreams. Check your answers with the answer key on the bottom of this web page.


Your first choice for this webquest is to make a poster drawing what each symbol means.

1)Get a poster board.

2)Choose a cool dream that you have had and think about the noticable symbols.

3)Now, visit a dream dictionary in one of the given sites and record the definitions on your poster.

4)Piece all of the dream symbols and their definitions, and write a summary explaining what your dream meant.

5) Finally, present your poster to your group.

Your next choice of a task involves writing. You must look at the pictures at the bottom of this website and record the symbols you see.

1) After visiting the dream websites, look at the pictures at the bottom of the webpage. They represent the dream you must analyze.

2)Record the ones you feel are most important on a piece of paper.

3)Find out the symbols' meanings, and write a summary of what you feel the dream meant.

4)Hand your written summary into your teacher. Your last choice is to make a skit.

1)Get in a group you are able to successfully work in.

2)First look at the bottom of this site for the symbols you should use.

3)Decide with your group what the most important symbols are and analyze the dream together.

4)Now, create a short skit about the dream(including everyone. It should state what the dream is, what the important symbols are, and in the end, someone must analyze the dream. Hand in a script to your teacher.

5)Perform the skit to your class. Be creative!


The resources you are required to have in order to complete the task are simply paper, poster board, and art supplies that may include markers, colored pencils, etc. You will also need to form groups if you choose to do the skit. No software or videos or anything of that sort will be need to be downloaded.

Dream Links

Poster is neat /10 Summary is handed in on time /5 Skit is serious,(not just three minutes of goofing off) and is well thought out /10
Presenter shows good eye contact and uses loud voice /5 Summary is easy to follow and has well rounded, logical explainations of the dream symbols /10 All group members work equally; everyone must have a part /5
Presenter shows understanding of dream and has well thought out summary /10 Summary includes good conventions, good word choice, and is an appropriate length /10 Group hands in script on time, and overall message of dream is evident to the audience /10