Stain's World

The scene opens in an outside parking lot after the ROW just finished a house show in Columbus Ohio. The streets are wet and several cars have accumalated a great deal of rain water across them. The moon is now in full force with a bright yellow circle formed around it. The camera turns when the sound of foot steps smacking the black top is heard. It slowly zooms in, making out three seperate figures, Stain, Pyro, and Mace Draklin. Pyro and Mace clutch their tag titles and drag them to their sides while Stain postions his Toughman belt over his shoulder. He blows on a tad then whipes away any dust that might have formed with the sleeve to his ROW sweater. Mace stops and looks over the parking lot as if he is awaiting something, the other two remain stationary behind him, with odds looks across their faces.

Stain: What's with the hold up Mace, that's right, what's the hold up?

Mace: For one our limo isn't here, but I just have this kind of sinking feeling my gut. I think that Shatter Star is somewhere around here.

Stain: Oh come on Mace, you're being paranoid, why the hell would Star dare attempt another attack on us, we're the Apocalypse, quite possibly the greatest, wait not uite possibly, the single greatest unit in wrestling history. If it weren't for Killington we would have dealt with him swiftly on Frenzy.

Pyro: Yeah Mace, Star would have to be fool if he thinks that he can get the drop on us again.

Mace: You guys don't know Star like I do, he's crazy enough to try anything, I'm not going to let him humilate us like he did Friday Night. Therefore you guys have to start watching your backs, you never know when he's going to strike.

Stain: Come on Mace. I can handle Shatter Star by myself, we have noting to worry about, if he rears his ugly head again then we'll knock it off, that's right, knock it off. And as for you, you need to get Star out of your head and start concentrating on Killington.

Mace: You know what, your right, that piece of shit actually thinks that he can challange me to a match without there being repercutions. Well believe me Big Cock is going ot be cockless once I burn him alive on Terror. Nobody insults me, and no one will ever do it again after they see what I do to Killington this coming Terror. He will feel pains ten times worse than ever before. Killington may refer to himself as a legend, well he will be after I the hell I'll put him threw on Terror, and that is a gaurantee.

Pyro: Mace you've got a point, this coming Terror we need to start making some examples, and we should start with the team of Havok and Razor. Those two freaks are fighting one moment then teaming the next. They got to have a screw loose, hell there even more fucked up than Brash.

Stain: Now that's a scary thought, that's right, a scary thought. But I got a question, actually it's more of a statment, who besides Star has made a bigger name for himself in the ROW, excluding me as well, Justin Storm! That little bastards beaten me 2 times, and a third is unexceptable. I won't stand for him coming into that ring and pinning my shoulders to the ground. And on top of that Manning made me put my Toughman title on the line thinking I would continue my streak against Storm, well I say lets prove him wrong this week. Lets concentrate on my match and making me retain my lovely belt.

Draklin: I will admit that Storm is a force to be reckoned with but damn, 2 times he's beaten you?

Stain: Hey, I have you know that he cheated in both matches, plus he threw me off my game by checking out Holly. Everyone knows that she's my property, I didn't want that damn stupid mounty to check out my women.

Pyro: Well I understand where you're coming from, I wouldn't want Storm leering at Crystal, he knows better, if he were do that, he'd get his ass Infernoed just like Shatter Star.

Mace: Lets review, we got Stain vs. Storm, Pyro and I vs. Razor and Havok, myself taking on Killington and Pyro in a inferno match with Trigger 11. Manning may think that he worked us into a rock in a hard place but we'll fight out of it. We'll win every one of those damn matches. Then we'll dismantle each and everyone of those ROW superstars one piece at a time.

Stain: I like your thinking Mace, but Star may still be a small problem. After I've faced him not once but twice in the ring I can tell you that he does pose quit the threat. He'll try anything, so what I suppose we do is stick together come Terror, if he catches us seperated there is no telling what he might try to pull off, the crazy bastard. But to tell you the truth, I'm more preocuppied with the thought of me stepping into the ring with Justin Storm, we all know what kinds of sneaky underhanded things he's capable of, I mean he defeated me twice, and you know there's no way in hell that I'd loose to him more that once. I've got to concentrate on beating the shit out of him, the rest of you can deal with those bastards Killington, Razor,Trigger, and Havok. I will be there is strictly moral support and to watch your backs but I would expect the same from the both of you.

Mace: You got a point Stain, we need to get our heads on straight, and that means concentrating on those loosers that Manning stacked up against us.

Pyro: We'll take the new TNT by storm.

Stain: No we'll move in like a hurricane, that's right, a hurricane and destroy absolutly everything in our paths. The new TNT may mark the beginning of a greater era but I say we make it ours, the year of the Apocalypse, that's right, the Apocalypse.

The limo slowly moves in as Stain, Draklin, and Pyro hop in. The scene fades to black.