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Auto Moves

A normal kick
Ki: none
Dmg: 100
Extra: gets this move auto good if out of Ki

A normal punch
Ki: none
Dmg: 50
Extra: get this move auto good if out of Ki

Ki blast
a normal KI attack very easy to do
Ki: 150
Dmg: 150
Extra: get this move auto

(start)Special Beam Cannon
A screw like KI shot from two fingers
Ki: -350
Dmg: 200
learn: Namek

(start)Distructo Disk
A KI disk that can cut through almost any thing
Learn: Earth, Namek
Days: 6

(start)Super Genocide Attack
a bunch of homing fire balls
Ki: -600
Dmg: -450
Learn: Namek
Days: 12

Ki: -200
Dmg: -100
Extra: a homing fireball
Learn: anywhere
Days: 8

(start)Big bang attack
A energy bomb shoot from one hand
Dmg: -500
Learn: Earth
Days: 16

Final flash
a jolt of KI energy
Dmg: 750
Learn: earth
Days: 20

Final Shine attack
a bigger final flash
Dmg: 600
Learn: earth
Days: 24

a blast out of the palms
Ki: -500
Dmg: 250
Learn Namek, Earth
Days: 4

an invisible fire ball
Ki: -300
Dmg: 150
Learn: Vegeta
Days: 8

Final Buster
a KI beam surrounded by electricity
Ki: -600
Dmg: 300
Learn: Frieza
Days: 10

(start)Renzoku Energy Dan
You shoot lots of small blasts rapidly.
Dmg: 200 for 3 turns + attack for the other two turns
Learn: Anywhere
Days: 8

Death ball
a strong beam
Dmg: 1,000
Learn: Earth(Mr. Satan)
Days: 15

(start)Solar flare
opponent is blinded Ki: none
Dmg: none
Extra: Can Be blocked
Learn: Kaimi's Lookout (Kaimi)
Days: 5

Dragon fist
a dragon hits opponent
Dmg: 1,000
Learn: Dark Star
Days: 4

Spirit bomb
a very powerful orb
Dmg: 1,500
Extra: taught by King Kia
Learn: King Kai's (king Kai)

Crusher ball
Ki - 5000
Dmg: 3,000
Learn: Yardrat
Days: 6

Red distructo disk
a disk than can cut through any thing
Ki: - 10,000
Dmg: 7,500
Learn: Frieza
Days: 12

a powerful shot from the palms
Ki: - 4,000
Dmg: 3,500
Learn: Earth (Master Roshi)
Days: 6

S.S. Deadly bomb
a very powerful bomb
Ki: ::-60,000
Dmg: 20,000
Extra: also takes 20,000 of your HP
Learn: Vegeta
Days: 15

Scatter Shot
bunch of little fire balls
Ki: -5,000
Dmg: 3,000
Learn: Namek
Days: 10

Guided Scatter shot
same as scatter shot but more powerful
Kia: -10,000
Dmg: 5,500
Learn: Namek, Vuta
Days: 13

(start)Finger laser
A shoot fired by one figure
Dmg: 250
Learn: Frieza, Vuta
days: 4

(start)Mouth Beam
Ki shot from the mouth
Ki: -500
Dmg: 250
Learns: Namek, Vegeta, earth
Days: 4

Galik Gun
Huge Blast Of Ki
Ki: 10,000
Dmg: 2,000
Learn: Vegeta
Days: 16

a very powerful blast from both palms
Ki:-60,000 Dmg: 50,000
Learn: HBTC

Flat liner
knocks down opponent and rapidly shoots energy blasts
Ki: -50,000
Dmg: 20,000
Learn: Anywhere
Days: 28

Chou Kamahamaha
the ultimate Kamahamaha
Ki: -100,000
Dmg: 60,000
Learn: Earth(Master Roshi)
Days: 28

(start)Tri beam
a blast from the hands when positioned like a triangle
Dmg: 350
Learn: Kaimi
Days: 14

Self destruct
The last effort. You rap you hands around the opponent and self destruct hoping to kill him to.
Ki: all
Dmg: sp + half of sp
Extra: the person doing it dies.
Learned: anywhere
Days: 20

(start)Eye Beam
Your eyes light up and you shoot KI out of your eyes.
Ki: 500
Dmg: 250
Learn: Namek, Frieza Days: 5

Chuo Spirtbomb
the ultimate spirtbomb
Dmg: 100,000
Learn: Kaio Shin’s (Kaio Shin)
Days: 34

Special Super Genocide attack
very powerful attack that absorbs KI energy from everyone
Dmg: 90,000
Learn: South Kai`s (south Kai)
Days: 30

Hyper Tornado Attack
You spin fast to make a tornado that your opponent gets caught in an spikes come up slicing your opponent.
Ki: -5,000
Dmg: -3,000
Learn: South Kia’s (South Kai)
Days: 15

Thunder flask attack
A very powerful attack that shoots fire and KI out of hands
Ki: -5,000
Dmg: -3,000
Learn: South Kia’s (south Kai)
Days: 15

Flash Revolver
A huge multi beam attack that can travel across a planet in a second or two
Ki: -90,000
Dmg: -45,000
Learn: earth, Vuta
Days: 25 days

Hell's flash
tremendous KI energy coming from the arms
Ki: -200,000
Dmg: 50,000
Learn: Earth
Days: 24

Galactica Doughnut attack
You stick you hands out and makes a Ki that looks like a donut. It gets bigger and bigger until the opponent is in the doughnut hole. Then you squeeze you hands together trying to smash your opponent.
Ki: -3,000
Dmg: 1,500
Learn: Earth

Super Ghost Kamikaze Attack
You spit up a ghost that looks like you. You command it to attack someone. Most of the time it explodes on contact.
Ki: -4,000
Dmg: 2,000
Learn: earth
Days: 16

a disk that is very powerful
Ki: 750-
Dmg: 350
Learn: Anywhere
Days: 8

Burning attack
Ki: -5,000
Dmg: 2,000
Learn: Yardrat, Vuta
Days: 10

Lifts to figures up and an explosion goes under the other person
Ki: 500
Dmg: 250
Learn: Vegeta, Frieza
Days: 6

Shock Wave
You take all your energy and anger and release it in this mighty attack.
Ki: 5,000
Dmg: 3,000
Extra: Hits everyone in the battle(even friends)
Learn: Anywhere

Destructive moves

Dragon Kamahamaha
a blast that could easily wipeout the Any planet
Ki: -1,500,000
Dmg: 500,500
Learn: anywhere
Days 48

A blast of KI that is like a giant sword that can cut throw almost anything, if big enough through a planet
Ki: -10,000
Dmg: -5,000
Learn: Frieza, Vuta
Days: 12

Weapon attacks

Power Pole

Power trip
Extends under the feet and runs tripping the other.
Ki: none
Dmg: none
Extra: both must be on the ground to be used
Learn: Earth
Days: 4

Power Shock
The person emits there energy into the pole and increases damage.
Ki: 600
Dmg: 1,500
Learn: anywhere
Days: 4

Power pole extend
Extends to 500 feet and hits your opponent
Ki: 300
Dmg: 500
Days: 4


Multi Slash
The person's fires a blast so slow the person can dodge it then moves behind the oppenet. Then they rapidly slash them in the back.
Ki: 300
Damage: 3,000
Learn: anywhere
Days: 5

Critical Smash
The person jumps into the air comes down with a awesome smash.
Ki: 400
Damage: 1,500
Learn: Anywhere

Secrecy Blade
The person moves their sword so fast it can't be seen, then as they slash the blade is seen for a split second.
Ki: 450
Damage: 2,500
Learn: Anywhere

Rage's slash
The person sets of a numerous amount of flashes from their sword then madingly slashes the opponent to death.
Extra: Must have Z sword
Learn: Kaio Shins (Kaio Shin)
Days: 30

Non Attack moves

(start)Multi Attack
can use the move twice in one turn.
Ki:2x the move
Learn: anywhere
Days: 7

Ki: none
Dmg: none
Extra: to regrow body parts heals 200 of HP, can be used 2 times
Learn: Namek
Days: 8

Energy absorption
can absorb an energy attack(ex. fire ball)
Ki: none
Dmg: none
Extra: absorb over 200,000 and you will explode,
Learn: Alria
Days: 24

Instant Transport
You put to fingers on your forehead and concentrate and appear in that place.
Ki: none
Dmg: none
Extra: this technique allows you to have 2 turn instead of one, can be used as an extra dodge, only used twice
Learn: Yardrat or King Kai
Days: 5

You move so fast that they leave a shadow behind.
Ki: none
Dmg: none
Extra can use as an dodge, or as to use to have another move.
Learn: anywhere
days: 7

The power to fly
Stats up:0
Learn: Anywhere
Days: 3

(start)Energy sense
You can sense the others power so they can't do sneak attacks.
Ki: none
Dmg: None
Learn: anywhere
Days: 5

(start)Ki Barrier
You make a shield of KI around you stopping any KI blast
Ki: 1/2
Dmg: none
Learn: anywhere
Days: 5

Split from
You split into as much as 4 of you the most common is two
Stats up: none
Learn: Earth, Namek
days: 10

A deadly attack that harms opponents as well as you Extra: Can't be in any transformation, loses 150,000 per 1 x 20
Learn:: King Kai's (KIng Kai)

Ozzaur Control
Sayains can transform into Ozzaur ( a giant monkey)and control them self
Extra: must have moon ball
Learn: Vegeta
Days: 12

Moon ball
This is a blast that is artificial moon light.
Ki: none
Dmg: none
Extra: Must have Ozzaur control, If you make a moon ball fighting with another Sayain with Ozzaur control they will transform to.
Learn: Vegeta
Days: 9

Golden Ozzaur
This is when in super Sayain form you go Ozzaur or the other way around.
Extra: If you use power rip before it will be gone, Must have Ozark control and moon ball.
Power level: required none.
Pl- 5x
Ki- 5x
Hp- 5x
Sp- 5x

Namek Language
The language of Namek’s. Must have to summon Namek dragonballs
Stats: None
Extra: Learned by Dende or Guru
Learn: Namek
Days: 10

Namek Healing
Heals anyone with skin.
Extra: may not be used on self
Stats up: none
Learn: Namek (Dende or Guru)
Days: 5

(start)Fusion dance
A special dance that you do with a partner of your race. It combines you into one.
Extra: see Fusionpage
Learn: Kaimis look out (Kaimi)
Days: 5


Super Sayain (SSJ)

Hair turns Golden with spikes and muscle mass increases.
Extra: Must be in HBTC to be reached any only be thinking about super sayain.
Power level- Required none or if you get to 1,000,000 before you get to the HBTC
Pl- 2x
Ki- 2x
Hp- 2x
Sp- 2x

Ultra Super Sayain (USSJ)
The middle level before SSJ2. Your muscle get bigger and you get more points in your hair.
Required PL- 3,000,000
Pl- 3x
Ki- 3x
Hp- 3x
Sp- 3x

Super Sayain 2 (SSJ2)
Required PL- 20,000,000
Pl- 4x
Ki- 4x
Hp- 4x
Sp- 4x

Super Sayain 3 (SSJ3)
Required PL- 75,000,000
Pl- 5x
Ki- 5x
Hp- 5x
Sp- 5x

Super Sayain 4 (SSJ4)
Required PL- 200,000,000
Pl- 6x
Ki- 6x
Hp- 6x
Sp- 6x

Super Android
Fuse with an android henchmen. (once done you can't go back)
Pl- 3x
Ki- 3x
Hp- 3x
Sp- 3x

Super Human
A human goes past the normal limits of humans.
Required PL- 1,000,000
Pl- 3x
Ki- 3x
Hp- 3x
Sp- 3x

Super Namek
Fuse with two namek henchmen(once done you can't go back)
Pl- 3x
Ki- 3x
Hp- 3x
Sp- 3x

Used by characters with the hidden form, to get a quick increase in power
Power level required- 1,000,000
Pl- 2x
Ki- 2x
Hp- 2x
Sp- 2x

Super Trans 1
A stronger transformation. Gives the person a power overdose. Power level required- 5,000,000
Pl- 3x
Ki- 3x
Hp- 3x
Sp- 3x

Super Trans 2
This transformation is even stronger then the first. It gives a much better stat boost. Power level required- 15,000,000
Pl- 4x
Ki- 4x
Hp- 4x
Sp- 4x

Super Trans 3
Trans that is more powerful then the last trans. This is one of the rarest transformation.
Power level required- 45,000,000
Pl- 5x
Ki- 5x
Hp- 5x
Sp- 5x

Super Trans 4
The final Super trans. The strongest supers formation
Power level required- 80,000,000
Pl- 6x
Ki- 6x
Hp- 6x
Sp- 6x

Mystic (once done can't go back)
A special blessing done by Kaio Shin. Must do a deed for Kaio shin.
Extra: Can't go in any transformation.
PL- 7x
KI- 7x
HP- 7x
SP- 7x