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The Random GC Character Test

Intro & How to Play

In the Random GC Character Test, you will discover which random GameCube character you are most like. Answer all the questions by clicking on the white circles next to the answer that suits you best. After you are done, click on the box at the bottom of the screen that says "Which Random GC Character are you?" You will then be matched up with a Random GC Character who is most like you.

  1. If your best friend could describe you in one word, what would they say?

    Deceiving. At least they would say that if I had friends…

  2. What do you think of group work?

    I love it. I am a great leader…er…teammate.
    As long as everyone else does my work, who cares?
    Yay! Now’s my chance to prove myself!
    What? Do all the work myself? Whatever…
    I hate it. Those lousy group members would just steal my spotlight.

  3. You are asked to go door to door in order to sell chocolate bars. Which one the following scenarios is most likely for you?

    I go door to door, sweet talking people into buying the chocolate bars and manipulating the price so that you end up with a profit.
    I go door to door, and after a whole days’ worth of work my money gets stolen by a bigger kid. Then I cry.
    I go door to door with several boxes of chocolate, pestering my neighbours until they cave and buy my food.
    I hire other kids to go door to door for me. Why waste a good afternoon?
    I sit at home, eating the entire box of chocolate myself. Mmm…

  4. You are pushed while walking along the hallway. You fall down, and the bully begins to point and laugh at you. What do you do?

    Cry and complain. Why me?
    Grit my teeth and walk away. One day, s/he’ll be working for me…
    Mumble under my breath. Slink away. Plot revenge.
    Gather a bunch of my friends and confront him. There’s strength in numbers.
    Get up and tackle him. I’m tough…I’m tough…YOU WANT SOME OF THIS?

  5. You are assigned to baby-sit an entire group of toddlers. What do you do?

    Lead them around, pretending that they are Pikmin or something. “OK, now, you guys, lift this chair up…”
    Teach them about the uselessness of teenage/adult life, even though they don’t know what is going on.
    Just do my job. Isn’t that what I’m supposed to do?
    Sell them stuff. They don’t know the actual retail value…
    Sing songs and play games. Basically, everything that bothers normal people.

  6. What do you think of the SSBM Galaxy?

    I love it. Can I be part of the staff? CANICANICANICANIPLEASE?
    It’s alright. I think I’m going to build a site eventually, once someone asks me too.
    How many people did you get to build this site? 20?
    Bah. It’s not that great of a site. If I ran the site, it would be much better.
    Bad! It smells like my armpits!

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