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The Band
Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!

2/8-- Another long time without an update...did anyone notice? DIDN'T THINK SO! Well our band might have a new member for bass, im not sure though, and Mix Maxsta is attempting to learn guitar. Common Kurtisy is now Kurtis, wow. I got no new songs to add, we'll put some on soon though, check back. I also added a link page of some really good local bands, support them!

1/3-- HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL!! Our new years present to you was making our band better, and to do that there is no more justincreadable! No new songs were added today, but we are working on some. Check back soon!

12/22-- Damn I got to start updating more, anyways this is a big update! Yay! Lets see, we added songs called "All About", "Just One Wish", and "Torn Up", all written by common KURTISY, our best writter, great songs you better read them

11/30-- Yo its been awhile since my last update, probably because we aint dont anything. Mix Maxsta Max and K Masta J have been workin on a new song titled "Sour Soda." It'll be done soon so check it out

11/15--Havent decided wether or not I want to put up "Empty"...Common KURTISY has made a song though, and its hilarious. Its called "Forgot to take a nap" you all have to check that out.

11/10--Almost finished our first serious song called "Empty". I'm already out of ideas of what to add to this page, email me some ideas!

11/9--Added a new song named "Broken Stuff" written by Justincreadible Hinkley, and I added a guestbook...sign it. I added yet another thing, that nifty picture at the top!

11/8--We got a new member!! Justincreadable Hinkley!!he will be playing DJ and keyboards...although I thought it could never happen, Sour Soda just got better... and I also added a lyrics page with "The Coffee Song" there...enjoy>
