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Hey! Really new on this... I don't really know what to write but I guess I'll jest say anything... like I always do. My name is Élise and I have a passion! It's figure skating... I think it's like the best sport ever! Really! Lately I've met a guy at the skating rink... hehehe! HE's like the hottest guy ever and he skates too! He's three years older but thats OK!
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Joannie Rochette
Joannie Rochette 
That's a really great figure skater ! Top canadien!

Comments (2) | Add a Comment

i think your a really good figure skater and someday i won't to meet you by the way i'm 12 and next year i will be in grade 7 cool hay
could you return a message please
from your number1 fan
luv ya

cheyenne | | March 03, 2006

i think your a really good figure skater and i'm just learning and i hope that some day i can meet you
i'm only in grade sixs thow and you've already graduated i have 6 more years tell i'm going to graduatewell could you please retarn my message no one else just you
luv ya
cheyenne gligor
cheyenne | | March 03, 2006