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♂♠\/\/È£©¤/\/\È ±° МãĦ pÁĝÉ♠♂

Party hardy, rock N roll, drink a 40, smoke a bowl. school sucks and sex is heaven.. were the class of 2007!!!!

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T.J- Hey man ur awesome dont forget dem mems...and i hope you get a gurl...stay kool and neva change unless 4 tha better!

Austin-hey whats up man..haha mah page is better than yers...haha...i'll will bring ya them three...haha...great

Jordan- Hey man we have had a few good times like playin well g/l/w/a esp tha ladies...

David H- Hey man ur kool i think i will be taller than u sum thats a laugh stay kool neva change

Michael H- Hey doomy...ur doomb but kool neva change stay kool and good luck with tha ladies!

Ellen- i am really glad you and david broke up he is juss a big gay prick that dosent deserve sum1 like you well love ya

Brittany-Hey gurl...yer really i hafta to live w/Ellen n times...well never change...g/l/w/a

Robert- hey man you are awesome we have had all kinds of good times esp playin paintball lol i cant believe you let ellen shoot well g/l/w/a

Jessica- hey sista ur kool hope u get wut u want out outa life... and u need to be a little nicer to the boyz i think ur scarin!

Alisha- Hey have had sum great times...and I am glad you are finnanly over rob and finnanly likin sum1 else well love ya

Katie W- hey gurl we dont haven't talked for like ever but yer still kool...hope you get the boy you want...never change and g/l/w/a

Maloree- Hey gurl...Whats up...Yer Cool juss when your talkin bout sum1 make sure they're not right behind g/l/w/a

Leanna- Hey gurl...we have had some good tha g/l/w/a...

Lauren- We havent talked for like forget tha mems tho...g/l/w/a

Breana-...I think i spelled yer name rite this we have had sum great times...never change...g/l/w/a yer funny...we had sum great times in math

LaTashia-hey gurl...we had sum fun at tha party great...never change unless 4 tha better...g/l/w/a

Hey Visit Some Of These Other Cool Pages:

My Guestbook
Ellies Page
Chelsea's Page
Jessica's Page
Miner's Page
Alisha's Page
Katie's Page
Austin's Page

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