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Schana's Blog
Thursday, June 9, 2005
One more day!
Mood:  suave
Now Playing: nothing ( got2b quiet 4 xam)
Topic: Exams
I am happy i only have one more half day until i am a senior.. and then there is always summer how super.. i doubt i will write in this again b/c ill forget aboutit.. but hey you never know.. i could get grounded during the summer.. hey it happens.. well i am out later

Posted by super2/schana at 10:58 AM EDT
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
shoulda' skipped all day
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: nothing..
Topic: poo!
Hmm.. well i didnt come first hour.. then i wanted to leave but nobody feels like leaving and i dont want to go alone... so here i am... bored.. and should be out watching a movie and eating some flippin pizza.. but no oh no!.. i am now markd "present" in class so id have to pretend to be sick and that is just a drag.. so oh well im over it.. maybe another day. its funny that so many kids skipped school to watch the new Star Wars .. shoulda gone.. well i dont have ne thing to do.. so yeah i am out. later

Posted by super2/schana at 10:53 AM EDT
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Dedicated to Jake....
Mood:  flirty
Now Playing: nothing good
Topic: Jake Smells
To Jake,
So whats up? Good luck with all fifty of your games on saturday!.. bummer i cant be there, it'd prly be fun. But that is okay because you are going to come to the dairy queen and see me arent you.. yes!.. the cd you are listening to sucks .. change it..


Posted by super2/schana at 11:18 AM EDT
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Gettin my butt kicked at Yahoo pool
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: nothing!! :(
Topic: bored
Alright... i hate school.. i just want to go home.. and i already came to school like 2 hours later than im sposed to..I actually considered leaving.. but there is no i am sittin here doing nothing.. i got another job so i should be crazy busy soon.. only 3 and half more weeks till this is over.. well until senior year that is.. but that will be fun ne i was playing yahoo pool with some dude.. and is was like " you suck at this" haha.. i was just like " yeah.. im over it..." then he started to kick my ass so i left. dang, i got my tax money back and went shopping that was super. i bought this white capris.. which is weird.. and i feel like a doctor or like a super prep or something.. well i am out.. later

Posted by super2/schana at 11:42 AM EDT
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Yay for Friday!
Mood:  party time!
Now Playing: Green day
Topic: Lalala
hmm not too much goin on... this is probably the worst blog ever.. i mean i am always bored... oh after i was done writing the last blog i fell asleep and then woke up all sick.. and went home.. it wasnt pretty.. but hey i got to go home early.. wow thank god for friday... 5 more weeks till school is over.. i gotta cosmo mag yesterday.. its funny.. cuz the boys always like to read it.. lol.. d*mn i am hungry.. later ..things to do..

Posted by super2/schana at 11:08 AM EDT
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Cookies n' Slice
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: listenin to some ludacris
Topic: hangin out n my pj's
I am pretty sleepy today. I wore my pajamas to school today becuz i didnt feel like looking good or ne thing.I am glad that we are half way thru the week... and only this marking period left until school is over for summer. Man, i flippin suck at yahoo pool now i dunno whats up w/ that.. well gotta concentrate. later

Posted by super2/schana at 11:00 AM EDT
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Monday, April 25, 2005
Gimme some of yer tots!
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: im listening to Blink-182..
Topic: its cold in here
oh poo.. im so unbelievably cold..but you know thats ok.. its isnt like the school is supposed to supply heat to the students...Jake,you need to stop whining bcuz I am super and you stink. but that is okay we can still be buds lol.. wow.. anyway.. back onto how today completely blows the big one.. today for lunch.. BBQ ribbette... what is a ribbette? oo but there is always the tator tots..and that is great.. so there is one good thing about today. Oh here is a topic... i HATE sports ...well i dont mind watching some..but i hate how some of the boys just rambling on about the stats.. new players and so on.. (jake)...oh here is another bad thing about today.. its like 30 degrees out... at the end of April. wtf....that tops the day off.. there is no possibility of a good day.. unless something great happens soon. well im gonna go

Posted by super2/schana at 11:33 AM EDT
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