Welcome to my webpage
And Trogdor Smote The Kerrek
And All Was Laid To Burnination!!!!!


HSR.com THE BEST SITE EVER!!!!! homestar has gotten me through many a lonely nights
Tibia.com A free mmorpg. its it sooo cool, you should play it today!!
Bored.com Cures for boredom. i go here alot because im always bored!
HoldTheButton This is incredibly stupid but fun. my best time is 13h:25m:17s


my thoughts Check out whats new with me!! good, bad, or whatever, its all in here
Songs page Here is some songs i wrote, theyre pretty bad though.
My Picures Some pics of me & my freinds. there isnt very many because i dont have anyones pic.


sign it and tell me what you think of the site, or my songs or just whatever.
Check it out, its really nifty.
Sign it or i will eat your dog!!!

my email

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. -Robert Frost

I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away, I wrote your name on my hand but it faded the next day, i wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay.

we live for the nights we wont remember, with the freinds we will never forget.

i like the whole -single-party-fun kinda thing...but sometimes i wouldnt mind the whole hugin-holdin hands-my girl kinda thing..

Its easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission

Every man should be a bus boy; a bad boy; drive too fast; should pay; do it again anyway; watch the sun rise; early and late; have blown a job he wanted;kept a job he hated;should know how to cook a meal, without opening the freezer; how to iron a womans shirt; be alone in a foreign country; be poor; investigate a srange noise in a dark house; forget to zip; be reminded; by a stranger; a woman; know a poem; a prayer; should know that respect is earned, not demanded; that style is anything he wants it to be; and so is love...

Ever wonder what goes on in the mind of a genius? the same stuff that goes on in everyone elses heads, the only diference is it makes less sense.

Three rules of dating: 1) Dont date your best freinds sister/brother. 2) Dont date your best freinds ex. 3) Dont date your best freind.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him forever.

Life is a Sexualy transmited disease.

Lifes a B**** and then you marry one. (my dad said that!)

To resist is to piss in the wind, anyone who does will end up smelling. knowing this why do i defy? Because my inner voice is yelling.

Experience is a hard teacher, it teaches the lesson after the test.

Tibia is cool. if ya dun like it, you a fool. aint no game betta, if it gets cold put on ya sweata,cuz ya down in folda huntin, when ya hear minos, yellin and gruntin, you get a few more levels, you can kill a dragon theyre not too hard until it starts laggin, im not quite sure how ppl lvl so fast, all i know is that smoked is an ass. livin in ab'den, killin ghouls all day to hire a hit by the mercs, 2.5k is all i gotta pay. after school, i get on my computer, checkin oth the hot chicks show their hooters, of course all tibians look about the same, cant tell a chick from a dude, what a shame.so many worlds, 10k people playinthats too much is all im sayin. i remember when 300 ppl was major laggin,when marc gets on the whole game starts faggin..

SUCCESS: At age 4 success is not peeing in your pants; At age 12 success is having friends; At age 16 success is having a drivers license; At age 20 success is having sex; At age 35 success is having money; At age 50 success is having money; At age 60 success is having sex; At age 70 success is having a drivers license; At age 75 success is having friends; At age 80 success is not peeing in your pants.

D*mn it feels food to be a gangsta, helpin out with the poor and payin bills, although i was born in jamaica, now im in the U.S. makin deals. D*mn it feels good to be a gangsta, one that you dont really know. ridin around town in my drop top benz, hit switches in my black six four. gangsta *ss niggas come in all shapes and colors, some got killed in the past, but this gangsta here was a smart one, started livin for the lord and i last. and i ask all you wanna-be, gonna-be c*ck suck, mother f*ckin, p*ussy eatin prankstas when the sh*t jumps off what the f*ck ya gonna do d*mn it feels good to be a gangsta.

Somebody turn that F*cking cactus off!!!

WheN u Wait for her all day, dream about her all night. When u cant wait to hug her Once you see her in your site. when you give her a hug and a kiss, and thank the stars above. when you never want to let her go, thats a little thing called love.

"I have said that Texas is a state of mind, but I think it is more than that. It is a mystique closely approximating a religion." ~John Steinbeck
