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*~!WeLcOmE!~* To my HoMePaGe :)

Hi! My name is Savannah and I am just a normal down to earth girl from the south who loves to have fun with family and friends. I enjoy twirling, twirling, shopping, swimming, twirling, basketball, twirling, riding jet skii's, Friday night football games, twirling, talking to friends on MSN, intertubing and did I mention twirling? Love most kinds of, rock, head banger stuff...makes my head hurt! HaHa :) Right now, I'm hooked on The Sims...building me a mansion! I get to spend someone else's million dollars and love every minute of it. Money 1 I love all of my friends and my li'l sister Katie Bug! Thanx for stopping by and buy your Straughn vs. Andalusia shirts from me!! Cya ;) Famous 7

My Favorite things...

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Country Music Television
Online Pool
