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saiyans island your new home for dbz


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Welcome to Saiyan Island 2/17/02 posted by: chibi trunks

well for a couple of days ive been post on this site but it isnt mine, mikebhouse's (the web master) computer is haveing some problems so until he get all of his problems sorted out ill be running this site 8P ::smirks:: well that is all for now but keep checking back for more updates oh and check out the link banners those sites are really good. later

2/16/02 posted by: chibi trunks

well today i we an affiliate and his banner should be put up anytime today or tomorrow, his site is going good do to the fact that its not finished yet, but when it is done i can tell u that it will be a good site click here to check it out goku's layer and tell me what u think of it so far... seeya