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/* Period Table Program * * Programmed by Carlo * Project Started October 3, 2001 * */ #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <rw/random.h> #include <string.h> #include <armory.h> //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Table(string Name, double Number, int Group, int Period, string Formula, string Charge, double Mass, int Neutrons, string Special) { Neutrons = (Mass - Number); clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2); cout<< "Element Name: " << Name << "\n\n"; cout<< "Formula: " << Formula << "\n"; cout<< "Atomic Number: " << Number << "\n"; cout<< "Atomic Mass: " << Mass << "\n"; cout<< "Group: " << Group << "\n"; cout<< "Period: " << Period << "\n"; cout<< "Charge: " << Charge << "\n"; cout<< "Neutrons: " << Neutrons << "\n"; if (Special != "None") { cout<< "Note: " << Special << "\n"; } Pause(); clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Help() { clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2); cout<< "HELP\n\n"; cout<< "Help - Opens this window.\n"; cout<< "Clear - Clears current screen.\n"; cout<< "Prefix - Lists prefix terms.\n"; cout<< "Element Formula - Displays information of element (eg: Sn).\n"; cout<< "Atomic Number - Displays information of element (eg: 50).\n"; cout<< "Element Name - Displays information of element (eg: tin).\n"; cout<< "Credits - Information on the programmer.\n"; cout<< "Quit - Quits the program.\n"; Pause(); clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Credits() { char CreditsKey; clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2); cout<< "CREDITS\n\n"; cout<< "I made the PERIODIC TABLE program near the end of 2000. I\n"; cout<< "had just discovered the world of C++ program, and was eager\n"; cout<< "to test it out. This is the result.\n"; cout<< "I have always enjoyed chemistry, and so it was no surprise to\n"; cout<< "me when a periodic table program was the first idea that\n"; cout<< "popped into my head.\n"; cout<< "I hope you have all enjoyed the program as an educational tool.\n"; cout<< "Enjoy the program, use it often, and my vision will be fufilled.\n\n"; cout<< "\tProgrammed by Carlo (completed 2001)\n"; Pause(); clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Prefix() { clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2); cout<< "PREFIX\n\n"; cout<< "mono - One (1)\n"; cout<< "di - Two (2)\n"; cout<< "tri - Three (3)\n"; cout<< "tetra - Four (4)\n"; cout<< "penta - Five (5)\n"; cout<< "hexa - Six (6)\n"; cout<< "hepta - Seven (7)\n"; cout<< "octa - Eight (8)\n"; cout<< "nona or ennea - Nine (9)\n"; cout<< "deca - Ten (10)\n"; Pause(); clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main() { randomize(); Wait(); int Color = 1+random(8); if (Color == 1) { textcolor(RED); } else if (Color == 2) { textcolor(MAGENTA); } else if (Color == 3) { textcolor(BLUE); } else if (Color == 4) { textcolor(GREEN); } else if (Color == 5) { textcolor(WHITE); } else if (Color == 6) { textcolor(YELLOW); } else if (Color == 7) { textcolor(BROWN); } else if (Color == 8) { textcolor(CYAN); } clrscr(); gotoxy(1,11); cout<< "\a\t\t\t PERIODIC TABLE \n"; cout<< "\a\t\t\t *--------------------* \n"; cout<<endl; cout<< "\a\t\t\t Program by Carlo \n"; cout<< "\a\t\t\t c. 2001 \n"; gotoxy(35,15); Pause(); textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLUE); clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // VARIABLES string Formula, Name, Command, Charge, Special = "None"; int Group, Period; double Mass, Neutrons, Number; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- do{ cout<< "COMMAND: "; cin>> Command; if ((Command == "Help") || (Command == "HELP") || (Command == "help")) { Help(); } else if ((Command == "Credits") || (Command == "CREDITS") || (Command == "credits")) { Credits(); } else if ((Command == "Clear") || (Command == "CLEAR") || (Command == "clear")) { clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2); } else if ((Command == "Prefix") || (Command == "PREFIX") || (Command == "prefix")) { Prefix(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- else if ((Command == "1") || (Command == "hydrogen") || (Command == "H")) { Name = "hydrogen"; Number = 1; Group = 1; Period = 1; Formula = "H"; Charge = "1+"; Mass = 1.01; Special = "Diatomic"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "2") || (Command == "helium") || (Command == "He")) { Name = "helium"; Number = 2; Group = 18; Period = 1; Formula = "He"; Charge = "0"; Mass = 4.00; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "3") || (Command == "lithium") || (Command == "Li")) { Name = "lithium"; Number = 3; Group = 1; Period = 2; Formula = "Li"; Charge = "1+"; Mass = 6.94; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "4") || (Command == "beryllium") || (Command == "Be")) { Name = "beryllium"; Number = 4; Group = 2; Period = 2; Formula = "Be"; Charge = "2+"; Mass = 9.01; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "5") || (Command == "boron") || (Command == "B")) { Name = "boron"; Number = 5; Group = 13; Period = 2; Formula = "B"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 10.81; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "6") || (Command == "carbon") || (Command == "C")) { Name = "carbon"; Number = 6; Group = 14; Period = 2; Formula = "C"; Charge = "4+"; Mass = 12.01; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "7") || (Command == "nitrogen") || (Command == "N")) { Name = "nitrogen"; Number = 7; Group = 15; Period = 2; Formula = "N"; Charge = "3-"; Mass = 14.01; Special = "Diatomic"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "8") || (Command == "oxygen") || (Command == "O")) { Name = "oxygen"; Number = 8; Group = 16; Period = 2; Formula = "O"; Charge = "2-"; Mass = 16.00; Special = "Diatomic"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "9") || (Command == "flourine") || (Command == "F")) { Name = "fluorine"; Number = 9; Group = 17; Period = 2; Formula = "F"; Charge = "1-"; Mass = 19.00; Special = "Diatomic"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "10") || (Command == "neon") || (Command == "Ne")) { Name = "neon"; Number = 10; Group = 18; Period = 2; Formula = "Ne"; Charge = "0"; Mass = 20.18; Special = "Noble Gas"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "11") || (Command == "sodium") || (Command == "Na")) { Name = "sodium"; Number = 11; Group = 1; Period = 3; Formula = "Na"; Charge = "1+"; Mass = 22.99; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "12") || (Command == "magnesium") || (Command == "Mg")) { Name = "magnesium"; Number = 12; Group = 2; Period = 3; Formula = "Mg"; Charge = "2+"; Mass = 24.31; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "13") || (Command == "aluminum") || (Command == "Al")) { Name = "aluminum"; Number = 13; Group = 13; Period = 3; Formula = "Al"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 26.98; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "14") || (Command == "silicon") || (Command == "Si")) { Name = "silicon"; Number = 14; Group = 14; Period = 3; Formula = "Si"; Charge = "4+"; Mass = 28.09; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "15") || (Command == "phosphorous") || (Command == "P")) { Name = "phosphorus"; Number = 15; Group = 15; Period = 3; Formula = "P"; Charge = "3-"; Mass = 30.97; Special = "Diatomic"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "16") || (Command == "sulfur") || (Command == "S")) { Name = "sulfur"; Number = 16; Group = 16; Period = 3; Formula = "S"; Charge = "2-"; Mass = 32.06; Special = "Diatomic"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "17") || (Command == "chlorine") || (Command == "Cl")) { Name = "chlorine"; Number = 17; Group = 17; Period = 3; Formula = "Cl"; Charge = "1-"; Mass = 35.45; Special = "Diatomic"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "18") || (Command == "argon") || (Command == "Ar")) { Name = "argon"; Number = 18; Group = 18; Period = 3; Formula = "Ar"; Charge = "0"; Mass = 39.95; Special = "Noble Gas"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "19") || (Command == "potassium") || (Command == "K")) { Name = "potassium"; Number = 19; Group = 1; Period = 4; Formula = "K"; Charge = "1+"; Mass = 39.10; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "20") || (Command == "calcium") || (Command == "Ca")) { Name = "calcium"; Number = 20; Group = 2; Period = 4; Formula = "Ca"; Charge = "2+"; Mass = 40.08; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "21") || (Command == "scandium") || (Command == "Sc")) { Name = "scandium"; Number = 21; Group = 3; Period = 4; Formula = "Sc"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 44.96; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "22") || (Command == "titanium") || (Command == "Ti")) { Name = "titanium"; Number = 22; Group = 4; Period = 4; Formula = "Ti"; Charge = "4+ \\ 3+"; Mass = 47.88; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "23") || (Command == "vanadium") || (Command == "V")) { Name = "vanadium"; Number = 23; Group = 5; Period = 4; Formula = "V"; Charge = "5+ \\ 4+"; Mass = 50.94; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "24") || (Command == "chromium") || (Command == "Cr")) { Name = "chromium"; Number = 24; Group = 6; Period = 4; Formula = "Cr"; Charge = "3+ \\ 2+"; Mass = 52.00; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "25") || (Command == "manganese") || (Command == "Mn")) { Name = "manganese"; Number = 25; Group = 7; Period = 4; Formula = "Mn"; Charge = "2+ \\ 4+"; Mass = 54.94; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "26") || (Command == "iron") || (Command == "Fe")) { Name = "iron"; Number = 26; Group = 8; Period = 4; Formula = "Fe"; Charge = "3+ \\ 2+"; Mass = 55.85; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "27") || (Command == "cobalt") || (Command == "Co")) { Name = "cobalt"; Number = 27; Group = 9; Period = 4; Formula = "Co"; Charge = "2+ \\ 3+"; Mass = 58.93; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "28") || (Command == "nickel") || (Command == "Ni")) { Name = "nickel"; Number = 28; Group = 10; Period = 4; Formula = "Ni"; Charge = "2+ \\ 3+"; Mass = 58.69; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "29") || (Command == "copper") || (Command == "Cu")) { Name = "copper"; Number = 29; Group = 11; Period = 4; Formula = "Cu"; Charge = "2+ \\ 1+"; Mass = 63.55; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "30") || (Command == "zinc") || (Command == "Zn")) { Name = "zinc"; Number = 30; Group = 12; Period = 4; Formula = "Zn"; Charge = "2+"; Mass = 65.38; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "31") || (Command == "gallium") || (Command == "Ga")) { Name = "gallium"; Number = 31; Group = 13; Period = 4; Formula = "Ga"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 69.72; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "32") || (Command == "germanium") || (Command == "Ge")) { Name = "germanium"; Number = 32; Group = 14; Period = 4; Formula = "Ge"; Charge = "4+"; Mass = 72.61; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "33") || (Command == "arsonic") || (Command == "As")) { Name = "arsonic"; Number = 33; Group = 15; Period = 4; Formula = "As"; Charge = "3-"; Mass = 74.92; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "34") || (Command == "selenium") || (Command == "Se")) { Name = "selenium"; Number = 34; Group = 16; Period = 4; Formula = "Se"; Charge = "2-"; Mass = 78.96; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "35") || (Command == "bromine") || (Command == "Br")) { Name = "bromine"; Number = 35; Group = 17; Period = 4; Formula = "Br"; Charge = "1-"; Mass = 79.90; Special = "Diatomic"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "36") || (Command == "krypton") || (Command == "Kr")) { Name = "krypton"; Number = 36; Group = 18; Period = 4; Formula = "Kr"; Charge = "0"; Mass = 83.80; Special = "Noble Gas"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "37") || (Command == "rubidium") || (Command == "Rb")) { Name = "rubidium"; Number = 37; Group = 1; Period = 5; Formula = "Rb"; Charge = "1+"; Mass = 85.47; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "38") || (Command == "stronthum") || (Command == "Sr")) { Name = "stronthum"; Number = 38; Group = 2; Period = 5; Formula = "Sr"; Charge = "2+"; Mass = 87.62; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "39") || (Command == "ythrium") || (Command == "Y")) { Name = "ythrium"; Number = 39; Group = 3; Period = 5; Formula = "Y"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 88.91; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "40") || (Command == "zirconium") || (Command == "Zr")) { Name = "zirconium"; Number = 40; Group = 4; Period = 5; Formula = "Zr"; Charge = "4+"; Mass = 91.22; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "41") || (Command == "niobium") || (Command == "Nb")) { Name = "niobium"; Number = 41; Group = 5; Period = 5; Formula = "Nb"; Charge = "5+ \\ 3+"; Mass = 92.91; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "42") || (Command == "molybdenum") || (Command == "Mo")) { Name = "molybdenum"; Number = 42; Group = 6; Period = 5; Formula = "Mo"; Charge = "6+"; Mass = 95.94; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "43") || (Command == "techenium") || (Command == "Tc")) { Name = "techenium"; Number = 43; Group = 7; Period = 5; Formula = "Tc"; Charge = "7+"; Mass = 98.91; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "44") || (Command == "ruthenium") || (Command == "Ru")) { Name = "ruthenium"; Number = 44; Group = 8; Period = 5; Formula = "Ru"; Charge = "3+ \\ 4+"; Mass = 101.07; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "45") || (Command == "rhodium") || (Command == "Rh")) { Name = "rhodium"; Number = 45; Group = 9; Period = 5; Formula = "Rh"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 102.91; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "46") || (Command == "palladium") || (Command == "Pd")) { Name = "palladium"; Number = 46; Group = 10; Period = 5; Formula = "Pd"; Charge = "2+ \\ 4+"; Mass = 106.42; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "47") || (Command == "silver") || (Command == "Ag")) { Name = "silver"; Number = 47; Group = 11; Period = 5; Formula = "Ag"; Charge = "1+"; Mass = 107.87; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "48") || (Command == "cadmium") || (Command == "Cd")) { Name = "cadmium"; Number = 48; Group = 12; Period = 5; Formula = "Cd"; Charge = "2+"; Mass = 112.41; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "49") || (Command == "indium") || (Command == "In")) { Name = "indium"; Number = 49; Group = 13; Period = 5; Formula = "In"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 114.82; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "50") || (Command == "tin") || (Command == "Sn")) { Name = "tin"; Number = 50; Group = 14; Period = 5; Formula = "Sn"; Charge = "4+ \\ 2+"; Mass = 118.69; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "51") || (Command == "antimony") || (Command == "Sb")) { Name = "antimony"; Number = 51; Group = 15; Period = 5; Formula = "Sb"; Charge = "3+ \\ 5+"; Mass = 121.75; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "52") || (Command == "tellurium") || (Command == "Te")) { Name = "tellurium"; Number = 52; Group = 16; Period = 5; Formula = "Te"; Charge = "2-"; Mass = 127.60; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "53") || (Command == "iodine") || (Command == "I")) { Name = "iodine"; Number = 53; Group = 17; Period = 5; Formula = "I"; Charge = "1-"; Mass = 126.90; Special = "Diatomic"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "54") || (Command == "xenon") || (Command == "Xe")) { Name = "xenon"; Number = 54; Group = 18; Period = 5; Formula = "Xe"; Charge = "0"; Mass = 131.29; Special = "Noble Gas"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "55") || (Command == "cosium") || (Command == "Cs")) { Name = "cosiumn"; Number = 55; Group = 1; Period = 6; Formula = "Cs"; Charge = "1+"; Mass = 132.91; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "56") || (Command == "barium") || (Command == "Ba")) { Name = "barium"; Number = 56; Group = 2; Period = 6; Formula = "Ba"; Charge = "2+"; Mass = 137.33; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "57") || (Command == "lanthanum") || (Command == "La")) { Name = "lanthanum"; Number = 57; Group = 3; Period = 6; Formula = "La"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 138.91; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "58") || (Command == "cerium") || (Command == "Ce")) { Name = "cerium"; Number = 58; Group = 5; Period = 6; Formula = "Ce"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 140.12; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "59") || (Command == "pruseodymium") || (Command == "Pr")) { Name = "pruseodymium"; Number = 59; Group = 6; Period = 6; Formula = "Pr"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 140.91; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "60") || (Command == "neodymium") || (Command == "Nd")) { Name = "neodymium"; Number = 60; Group = 7; Period = 6; Formula = "Nd"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 144.24; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "61") || (Command == "promethium") || (Command == "Pm")) { Name = "promethium"; Number = 61; Group = 8; Period = 6; Formula = "Pm"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 145; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "62") || (Command == "samarium") || (Command == "Sm")) { Name = "samarium"; Number = 62; Group = 9; Period = 6; Formula = "Sm"; Charge = "3+ \\ 2+"; Mass = 150.40; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "63") || (Command == "europium") || (Command == "Eu")) { Name = "europium"; Number = 63; Group = 10; Period = 6; Formula = "Eu"; Charge = "3+ \\ 2+"; Mass = 151.97; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "64") || (Command == "gadolinium") || (Command == "Gd")) { Name = "gadolinium"; Number = 64; Group = 11; Period = 6; Formula = "Gd"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 157.25; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "65") || (Command == "terbium") || (Command == "Tb")) { Name = "terbium"; Number = 65; Group = 12; Period = 6; Formula = "Tb"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 158.93; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "66") || (Command == "dysprosium") || (Command == "Dy")) { Name = "dysprosium"; Number = 66; Group = 13; Period = 6; Formula = "Dy"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 162.50; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "67") || (Command == "helmium") || (Command == "Ho")) { Name = "helmium"; Number = 67; Group = 14; Period = 6; Formula = "Ho"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 164.93; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "68") || (Command == "erbium") || (Command == "Er")) { Name = "erbium"; Number = 68; Group = 15; Period = 6; Formula = "Er"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 167.26; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "69") || (Command == "thulium") || (Command == "Tm")) { Name = "thulium"; Number = 69; Group = 16; Period = 6; Formula = "Tm"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 168.94; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "70") || (Command == "ytlerhium") || (Command == "Yb")) { Name = "ytlerhium"; Number = 70; Group = 17; Period = 6; Formula = "Yb"; Charge = "3+ \\ 2+"; Mass = 173.04; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "71") || (Command == "lutelium") || (Command == "Lu")) { Name = "lutelium"; Number = 71; Group = 18; Period = 6; Formula = "Lu"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 174.97; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "72") || (Command == "hefnium") || (Command == "Hf")) { Name = "hefnium"; Number = 72; Group = 4; Period = 6; Formula = "Hf"; Charge = "4+"; Mass = 178.49; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "73") || (Command == "tantalum") || (Command == "Ta")) { Name = "tantalum"; Number = 73; Group = 5; Period = 6; Formula = "Ta"; Charge = "5+"; Mass = 180.95; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "74") || (Command == "wolfrum") || (Command == "tungsten") || (Command == "W")) { Name = "wolfrum (tungsten)"; Number = 74; Group = 6; Period = 6; Formula = "W"; Charge = "6+"; Mass = 183.85; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "75") || (Command == "rhenium") || (Command == "Re")) { Name = "rhenium"; Number = 75; Group = 7; Period = 6; Formula = "Re"; Charge = "7+"; Mass = 186.21; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "76") || (Command == "osmium") || (Command == "Os")) { Name = "osmium"; Number = 76; Group = 8; Period = 6; Formula = "Os"; Charge = "4+"; Mass = 190.2; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "77") || (Command == "iridium") || (Command == "Ir")) { Name = "iridium"; Number = 77; Group = 9; Period = 6; Formula = "Ir"; Charge = "4+"; Mass = 192.22; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "78") || (Command == "platinum") || (Command == "Pt")) { Name = "platinum"; Number = 78; Group = 10; Period = 6; Formula = "Pt"; Charge = "4+ \\ 2+"; Mass = 195.08; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "79") || (Command == "gold") || (Command == "Au")) { Name = "gold"; Number = 79; Group = 11; Period = 6; Formula = "Au"; Charge = "3+ \\ 1+"; Mass = 196.97; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "80") || (Command == "mercury") || (Command == "Mg")) { Name = "mercury"; Number = 80; Group = 12; Period = 6; Formula = "Hg"; Charge = "2+ \\ 1+"; Mass = 200.59; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "81") || (Command == "thallium") || (Command == "Tl")) { Name = "thallium"; Number = 81; Group = 13; Period = 6; Formula = "Tl"; Charge = "1+ \\ 3+"; Mass = 204.38; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "82") || (Command == "lead") || (Command == "Pb")) { Name = "lead"; Number = 82; Group = 14; Period = 6; Formula = "Pb"; Charge = "2+ \\ 4+"; Mass = 207.20; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "83") || (Command == "bismuth") || (Command == "Bi")) { Name = "bismuth"; Number = 83; Group = 15; Period = 6; Formula = "Bi"; Charge = "3+ \\ 5+"; Mass = 208.98; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "84") || (Command == "polonium") || (Command == "Po")) { Name = "polonium"; Number = 84; Group = 16; Period = 6; Formula = "Po"; Charge = "2+ \\ 4+"; Mass = 209; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "85") || (Command == "asiatine") || (Command == "At")) { Name = "asiatine"; Number = 85; Group = 17; Period = 6; Formula = "At"; Charge = "1-"; Mass = 210; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "86") || (Command == "radon") || (Command == "Rn")) { Name = "radon"; Number = 86; Group = 18; Period = 6; Formula = "Rn"; Charge = "0"; Mass = 222; Special = "Noble Gas"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "87") || (Command == "fruncium") || (Command == "Fr")) { Name = "fruncium"; Number = 87; Group = 1; Period = 7; Formula = "Fr"; Charge = "1+"; Mass = 223; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "88") || (Command == "radium") || (Command == "Ra")) { Name = "radium"; Number = 88; Group = 2; Period = 7; Formula = "Ra"; Charge = "2+"; Mass = 226.03; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "89") || (Command == "actinium") || (Command == "Ac")) { Name = "actinium"; Number = 89; Group = 3; Period = 7; Formula = "Ac"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 227.03; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "90") || (Command == "thorlum") || (Command == "Th")) { Name = "thorlum"; Number = 90; Group = 5; Period = 7; Formula = "Th"; Charge = "4+"; Mass = 232.04; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "91") || (Command == "protactinium") || (Command == "Pa")) { Name = "protactinium"; Number = 91; Group = 6; Period = 7; Formula = "Pa"; Charge = "5+ \\ 4+"; Mass = 231.04; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "92") || (Command == "uranium") || (Command == "U")) { Name = "uranium"; Number = 92; Group = 7; Period = 7; Formula = "U"; Charge = "6+ \\ 4+"; Mass = 238.03; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "93") || (Command == "neplunium") || (Command == "Np")) { Name = "neplunium"; Number = 93; Group = 8; Period = 7; Formula = "Np"; Charge = "5+"; Mass = 237.05; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "94") || (Command == "plutonium") || (Command == "Pu")) { Name = "plutonium"; Number = 94; Group = 9; Period = 7; Formula = "Pu"; Charge = "4+ \\ 6+"; Mass = 244; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "95") || (Command == "americium") || (Command == "Am")) { Name = "americium"; Number = 95; Group = 10; Period = 7; Formula = "Am"; Charge = "3+ \\ 4+"; Mass = 244; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "96") || (Command == "curium") || (Command == "Cm")) { Name = "curium"; Number = 96; Group = 11; Period = 7; Formula = "Cm"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 247; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "97") || (Command == "borkelium") || (Command == "Bk")) { Name = "borkelium"; Number = 97; Group = 12; Period = 7; Formula = "Bk"; Charge = "3+ \\ 4+"; Mass = 247; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "98") || (Command == "californium") || (Command == "Cf")) { Name = "californium"; Number = 98; Group = 13; Period = 7; Formula = "Cf"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 251; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "99") || (Command == "einsteinium") || (Command == "Es")) { Name = "einsteinium"; Number = 99; Group = 14; Period = 7; Formula = "Es"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 252; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "100") || (Command == "formium") || (Command == "Fm")) { Name = "formium"; Number = 100; Group = 15; Period = 7; Formula = "Fm"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 257; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "101") || (Command == "mendelevium") || (Command == "Md")) { Name = "mendelevium"; Number = 101; Group = 16; Period = 7; Formula = "Md"; Charge = "2+ \\ 3+"; Mass = 258; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "102") || (Command == "nebelium") || (Command == "No")) { Name = "nebelium"; Number = 102; Group = 17; Period = 7; Formula = "No"; Charge = "2+ \\ 3+"; Mass = 259; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } else if ((Command == "103") || (Command == "lawrencium") || (Command == "Lr")) { Name = "lawrencium"; Number = 103; Group = 18; Period = 7; Formula = "Lr"; Charge = "3+"; Mass = 260; Special = "None"; Table (Name, Number, Group, Period, Formula, Charge, Mass, Neutrons, Special); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- else { if ((Command != "Quit") && (Command != "QUIT") && (Command != "quit")) { cout<< "Unrecognized command.\n"; } } }while ((Command != "Quit") && (Command != "QUIT") && (Command != "quit")); Color = 1+random(8); if (Color == 1) { textcolor(RED); } else if (Color == 2) { textcolor(MAGENTA); } else if (Color == 3) { textcolor(BLUE); } else if (Color == 4) { textcolor(GREEN); } else if (Color == 5) { textcolor(WHITE); } else if (Color == 6) { textcolor(YELLOW); } else if (Color == 7) { textcolor(BROWN); } else if (Color == 8) { textcolor(CYAN); } textbackground(BLACK); clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2); return(0); } // END OF Table.cpp