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Ross's guide to neopets

The top 3 things to remember about neopets.

Neopets Daily Freebies

Fruit machine
Coltzans Shrine
Tiki Tack Tombola
Wheel of Excitement
Collect your intrest

Thanks for visiting my neohelp site! Do the freebies eveyday, collect bank intrest too. Build a shop and use the shop wizard to check prices, then sell the items about 50 np cheaper than the cheapest price unless it cost 50 np, of course. Play Meerca Chase, Ice Cream Factory, Bumper Cars, Nimmos Pond, Poogle Solitare, and spin the wheel of excitement every day. If you do this and save and spend your money wisely, you can make tons of np per month! P.S. This is for beginners, rich people can make a lot more np than they could with this guide. P.P.S. This site will be updated very soon!