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10-21: Hey! I haven't updated in awhile, but that's because I've moved. I'm now at brinkster, because it's umm...better (more space and no ads). So, switch your bookmarks or whatever, and go see my new site:Opacity I hope you like it, I do! Thanks ~~~Rachel

10-11: Hello there everyone. Umm, I apologize for not updating in a while, but you know, school has made me a bit more busy than usual. But I'm trying to get in the habit of updating more often. Because i need to. Anyway the new layout that was promised a while ago, is finished, but I have to get elizabeth to help me put it into my diary, until then only she and i know what it will look like, but let me tell you, it will be fabulous. so anyway, it shouldn't take more than a week to find time to put it up, so come back and check then, and then tell me how pretty you think it is. Alrighty, that's it, but I love you.

9-23: Hey there! I'm sorry, it's been a very long while since I've updated. I was trying to switch my site over to FTP, since it was hosted at Paperskye, but for some reason I can't figure out how to do it, and no one else seems to be able to either. Interesting. Anyway, I'm going to be adding some fun stuff in the random section, and possibly some stuff in the writings sections today. Also, I'm going to be changing the layout of the entire site very very soon, probably within the next day or so, so tell me what you think. Alright, thanks.

9-10: Hey hey! I added a lot more content in the "Rachel" section earlier today. I thought that might be a good idea, since that section of the site was super boring. Also, I've put some poems from myself and some from Elizabeth up in the writings section. Again, if anyone would like for me to add their poem in that section, I really would be more than happy to do it. I have some pictures that I really want to get up, it's just a matter of finding time, but I will as soon as I can. Alrighty, good night. (it's 1:44 am, and I'm going to sleep now)

9-8: Hello there! Last night I added a "Writings" section, which is located in the Random section. I plan on doing a few major changes today on the site, so tell me what you think. Alright. bye bye.

9-5: Hello everyone. I've gone and finished the friends page for now. If you are one of my friends, you will be featured there. If you are my friend and you are not featured there, then email me and tell me to get my act together and quit being so forgetful and lazy. I'll add you if you ask. promise. Alright. That's all for now. bye.

9-1: Hello. I've added a few new things. Soo, go to the polls section and vote, and leave comments. Also, if you haven't signed the guestbook, go and sign that. It's located in the exit section, along with links to some other cool sites. I'm going to put the rest of my pics up in the random section as soon as i get the chance. Also, i'm thinking that i might want to change my design a bit and make it a little more exciting. Sooo, if anyone has any suggestions, leave them on the tagboard or in the guestbook. Thanks. I love you.

8-30: Hello. I think I finally have every page working. Which takes a lot of stress off of me. It was really stressing me out, because my html skills aren't great, and i had to look a lot of stuff up. But nonetheless, everything works, and i'm very happy with the way it all looks. I will still be adding things though, for example, a weekly playlist, and some color changes...later though. For now, i hope you like the site the way it it. Also, the guestbook is located in the exit section. Please sign it and tell me what you think of the site. Thanks!

8-29: I'm redesigning all of the pages, so some don't work, and some have nothing on them, but in a few days everything will be filled up and back to the way it was before i started redoing it. Sorry stuff doesn't work at the moment. But it will, and there are a ton of photos in the photos section, which is in the friends section, which is now working, so go and look at that! Thanks.

8-28: I havent updated in so long. I havent been working on the site at all because I wasn't aware that people actually come here, but a few people do, so I've re-designed it and I'm going to work on it more now. Thanks to Cassie and Katrina for Linking the site and Thanks to Elizabeth for designing it. I love you all!

7-13: Hello everyone! I finally have a few pictures to put up. Obviously, they will be in the pictures section. Umm, i also have a few more go and vote on them, and I think that's it. So, I'll talk to you later. Bye.

7-8: Hello everyone. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been very busy and preoccupied. I always write in my diary thing at diaryland, so you can go read that to see what is going on in my life...if you're really bored. Other than that, I'm not really adding much to this site right now. I'll talk to you later though.

6-29: Hello everyone. I've begun adding something new in the pictures section. It's a little section where I've found celebrities that remind me of my friends either because of personality or looks. I've also written why. I think it's kinda funny. If I haven't added you yet, don't worry, it just means that I'm still thinking of which celebrity to use for you. But I will add you. Thanks.

6-23: Hello people. Tonight, er this morning..I've decided to add a few more polls, there is now one for Rob and one for Katrina. if you want me to make a poll about you, I will, so just tell me. I've not added much more, but I will when I get the time. Thanks for coming and visiting.

6-19: Hey there everyone. All 2 of you people that come here. heh. Maybe more than that but I don't think so. Anyway, I'm not really getting as far as I would with this site, but I'm still trying to make it better and all. So, yea, keep coming and if I put something special on here about you, (ie: poll or message in the friends section) then I will e-mail you and tell you about it. So, again, thanks. Please be patient.

6-18: Hello. I'm working more on my site tonight. I really don't have much to say, except that I think this site sucks! But don't worry, in a couple of years it will be alright. haha, hopefully not that long. Maybe in a couple of weeks. Ahh, alright. Bye!

6-17: Hey guys! I now know just how much work really is required in keeping up a website. I've probably put in a total of 10 hours, and you really can't tell. Which sucks, because I was hopeing that by now you would be able to come here and not be bored. But even I'm bored, so it's alright if you are too. So anyway, I've added more polls and I'm planning on getting a few more pictures at least. I also always keep my journal up to date, so you can go and read that, if you're bored. Also, sign the guestbook, and I will love you forever. I have also written a little bit in the "friends" section and in the "thoughts" section. Okay, so, I'll talk to you later!

6-16: Hello. I think I have the basic stuff down on html. I really don't know how to use it, Elizabeth is the one who tells me how to do everything, but she isn't here and I feel like working on the site. So, I'm gunna try, and I hope I don't mess anything up. So, yea, I'm planning on adding a whole bunch of new polls. So go and check them out. Also, don't forget to send me your picture, so I can put it up!

6-15: Hey everyone. I'm working more on my site tonight. I think that the only way for me to make it more interesting is to add more and more stuff. So that's what I'm going to do. I don't have a scanner, but if you have a picture on your computer, send it to me, and I'd love to put it up here. Also, I'm planning on having lots of polls, so go and take them. Do you see the little box thingy in the bottom right hand corner? You can type in that! I think it's very cool, so leave me a little message there! If you have any suggestions on ways that I can improve my site, e-mail me! Since you're here, don't forget to sign my guestbook!! Thanks.

6-14: So this is my site. Yup. I'm gunna work on it more, because I know that there isn't much on here now. But there will be. So, if you're bored with it, then I'm sorry, but come back later and there will be more cool and interesting stuff. I promise.

Please use this button to link me!
Can you sleep as the sound hits your ears, one at a time? An unspoken balance here. And I've wished for so many years. That I should stare at recievers, to revieve her. Isn't fair. Don't worry I'll catch you. Don't ever worry. Your arms in mine. Anytime. I wouldn't trade anything. You're still my everything. To my surprise. Before my eyes. You were right. Don't worry I'll catch you. Don't ever worry. Still breaking old habits. You rule the world over me. I can see everything. Everything. Remembering, just remembering. Don't worry I'll Catch you. No need for reminding. You're still all that matters to me. ~ I'll Catch You, The Get Up Kids

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I would like to thank the two coolest people in the world, Spaulding and Zippy, for helping me make my website even prettier. I have Spaulding to thank for the awesome "Opacity" link button, and so much more. I have Zippy to thank for contributing with the really pretty "Rachel" blinkie. You guys are the best! Thanks. Rachel