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Kim and Kaly's Ratastic Homepage!!

Our Favorite Foods

We are Kim and Kaly and this is our website! We hate the words milk and sure. They ought to be kicked out of the dictionary, so don't say them around us. We breed rats and lemurs to make remurs. Watch out they are fiesty little buggers! They bite! Look up the word bugger in the dictionary. You will be surprised. So if you have a rat/lemur you don't want just send it to us. Skateboarding is our second favorite passion of ours. We own a spiderman skateboard and enjoy doing new tricks and giving pros evil glares. Good times.. The guy that works at anti-gravity (skating spot) watches us and pretty much stalks us. He's probably reading this right now! Hey! We like singing Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous in Mr. Todd's class. We like him too. We give him rides home and he wants Kaly to join math team, but she refuses. He likes spending quality after school time with Kim. He loves us. We used to be in a bowling league. That was a big flop. We don't do drugs, but that's okay because we still get questioned by the police. We could both pass a lie detectors test with ease.


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