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Hello and thank-you for visiting, but sadly I have moved to a different domain and I have completely changed my site around. It is now called Kirei Yume, which means pretty dream in Japanese. I now own two sites, one is for web help and tutorials etc. the other is a pixelated graphics site. Click on the buttons below to select which one you would like to view:

Click here for my web help and tutorials site!
Click here for my pixel and graphics site!

  • Background Information . . .
    Because Rainflower is already a popluar site name, I changed it and moved to a new domain called Cherry Blossom, and there dawned my new skills in web design. Cherry Blossom was a simular site to Rainflower. But then, Angelfire began to post web ads everywhere, it was such a has hassle that I searched the internet for a new host. I found one called, it had no ads and enough comfortable web space for me. There I created Kirei Yume both the web help site and my pixelated graphics site. Please feel free to view both. Honestly, Im very proud of my Graphics site, I rubbed a bit more elbow grease on this site than my other. <bgsound src="waterfal.mid"loop=infinite>