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Seldec-4 selcall decoder
A users unpaid / unbiased opinion based on a Win98SE platform

Seldec-4 is the hardware and Selcall+ is the software.
Decodes tones used by NZ Fire Service (this is my use for it, Fire Service is a large user of this technology), NZ Police (not used much by Police in Auckland), St Johns Ambulance Service (large user) and TranzRail (large user). It also decodes buses, taxis, couriers and anyone else who uses CCIR tone code formats. You may need to write your own files for these latter users, but it is real easy to do that, see 'The files' section below.

History: Noel purchased his Seldec-4 (Selcall software included) 19-02-99.
Selcall+ software released (new software developer) 08-10-99, updated 10-02-00 to a dual window format.

Out of the box setup is very easy (see below 'Installation' section) and documentation is well presented, upto date and informative. I am now imformed that a drawing is included with the product for assistance, but would not be necessary for the vast majority of people.

Below is a simple "how to guide" you might want to look at, along with the Seldec-4 homepage, prior to contacting ANZAC COMMS. The information below is primarily designed to show how easy the software is too use and edit to YOUR particular location or needs.

System minimum is quoted as a stable PC running Win95 or better.
I have had this software running on a 486 DX50 laptop running Win95B.

Feb 1999 - March 2001 My system was running on a 200MMX 64Mb Win98SE PC.
Scanner was an Icom R100 scanning 2 fire channels, 75.4500 and 75.6750

March 2001 - May 2002 My system then changed to a dual PentiumPro 200 server 128Mb running Win2000AS with 3 radios, Tait T200 (Waikato), Icom R100 (Fire2 and FP) and Yupiteru MVT-6000 (Fire1) connected to a 4 channel audio mixer then onto the Seldec-4 decoder.

May 2002 - ???? My system is now an AMD Duron900 128Mb running Win98SE with 2 monitors. Radios are ICOM R100, AOR AR2002 and Tait T200 (+ mixer).

As you can see the software is capable of running on various hardware platforms and all Microsoft operating systems incl WinXP.

******************* Seldec-4 commerical homepage and links *******************
Seldec-4 homepage Seldec-4 FAQ email to ANZAC_COMMS

Unit status (software version 5.1) Information scroll Noel's setup ANZAC COMM screenshot

Hardware Software

The files
overview or explanation of each *.dat editing guide of *.dat using Notepad explanation of how to add new selcall decode files
eg bus-company.dat

Making changes
changing screen size, colours of K codes and default start colours changing appliance K code on Unit Status (statusboard) resetting Unit Status (statusboard)

The hunt
how do I find out who this "unknown" selcall belongs too? RecAll sound recorder (Shareware) ScanRec sound recorder (Freeware) Goldwave sound recorder (Shareware)

version 5.6 build 85
August 2000:
SELCALL+ software now has an additional file called ACTIONS.DAT, this enables an action to be triggered upon decoding of an event. for example a wav audio file can be played each time a fire station receives an alert "AUCKLAND TURNOUT", "AVONDALE TURNOUT" "AVONDALE 601 K1" etc the combinations are limitless in scope. An email can also be sent upon a trigger, for example when an appliance enters a K99 arrival message.
version 5.84 build 109
May 2001: 4 additions
1. Allows logs files to be stored anywhere on hard-drive or network
2. Allows Actions.dat to be turned off via the File dropdown menu
3. Allows multiple wav files to be used in the line of code in the Actions.dat file
4. Allows multiple Seldec-4 decoders to be connected to the same PC and have their output on the same screen