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Retired Ladies and Gentlemen...and Spoiled Pets AKA Barn Trolls

These goats are retired but still remain on our farm and will live out the rest of their days with us. Some are just special pets we do not use for breeding purposes. None of these animals are for breeding purposes. For reference only.

Here she is! Many already know her but for those who have never met this cutie no it's not an altered photo Precious was born with a very short neck. Appears everything is there but got twisted early in development leaving her entire neck to develop very short in utero. Despite being born a little different she is a happy, healthy, SPOILED little girl who has no idea she looks funny. She was a born barn troll and looks the part(call her my little troll baby). Being front heavy she was a bit slower to learn to stand and walk but she is now quite a show off running, climbing, leaping and yes she can bend down to reach the ground just fine. She is now trying to learn to walk on two legs. She likes walking on two legs in order see better with her short neck. She really does think she's just a furry little person. She makes me realize how much I just enjoy having a few goats as pets aside from all the milking and show stuff. Here we would never throw away any kid just for being born different. She will be a permanent part of the family along with her other spoiled barn troll buddies. Don't tell the other goats but think Precious is my favorite goat on the farm. Precious is now a Youtube star!

Miracle was the 6th born of Dutchess' sextuplets. Although she was of normal size she was a bit of a strange kid from birth. Her whole body becomes oddly stiff at times. She had to be tube-fed for the first week and did not learn to stand and walk for several days. She was given a clean bill of health by the vet except for her upper eyelids are a little oddly-shaped and her eyes tend to tear a bit more than most goats and her head is very short. She will only be a pet and we left her naturally horned like Precious. She is Precious' buddy and partner in crime. The odd couple. Miracle was born about 1 month before Precious so seems Precious was born different to give Miracle a buddy.

CH Poppy Patch RC Semi Sweet


Sire- Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause*S
(SS-MCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch*S 'E'/SD-MCH/GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 3*D,'E'/1*M,92 EEEE)

Dam- Starbucks Dear Abby
(DS-Starbucks Sunnie/DD-Starbucks Suzzie)

Semi Sweet is showing the same flat-bone dairy style we love so much in her dam. She is a gorgeous chocolate roan color. She has turned out to be yet another Rebel daughter with an outstanding udder. Her first-freshening udder is just what we hoped for with wonderful capacity, all round attachment, perfectly sized and placed teats, greatly improved medial over her dam and a perfectly smooth fore. After her boys were weaned she was milked into a 9-month lactation. She is a real milker even out producing her dam as a yearling. She averages about 3 quarts per day. Her first time out in the show ring as a two-year-old second freshener she got a GCH! She was shown at Puyallup fair but unfortunately she decided not to make us any milk on show day. However she was still able to stand with her two paternal sisters for their 1st place senior get of sire. Her first show of 08 Semi Sweet easily finished her championship in the first two rings of a three ring show making her our first ADGA champion. Retired after a very difficult kidding in 2011

Show Record: 5/19/2007 1x GCH Senior doe ADGA (23 milking does) judge
6/16/07 2x Reserve Senior doe ADGA (showing with large breeds in All Other Purebreds)
1x Grand Champion senior doe Stanwood WA, 5/10/08 judge Sue Barker
1x Grand Champion senior doe Stanwood WA, 5/10/08 judge Christina Strickland

2nd freshening 7 months fresh

1st freshening 6 months fresh
Photo by Wendy Webster

3rd freshening

Poppy Patch Reb's Roxie


Sire- Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause*S
(SS-MCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch*S 'E'/SD-MCH/GCH Gay-Mor's JJU Nonpareil 3*D,'E'/1*M,92 EEEE)

Dam- MCH Twin Creeks BW Shining Sand
(DS-MCH Twin Creeks BH Bay Watch*S 'E'/DD-Velvet Acres Lil Deuce Coupe)

Roxie is another Shining Sand/ Rebel daughter. We will see how this younger sister compares to her two big sisters in the coming years. Sadly at 5 months old the morning after she came home from fair Roxie was found with a broken front leg at the growth line. Somebody in the doe pen was not happy to see her come home. After many months in a cast the leg has healed and although we thought she would end up being a brood doe she has no signs of her injury now. Roxie's first-freshening udder looks so far as we would expect from her breeding and she has been doing wonderful in the show ring. After going GCH and best of breed at state fair this year she is now only one GCH away from finishing her CH. She was being milked into nearly a 9-month lactation at the time she went GCH at state fair. Roxie is now retired

Show Record: ADGA 1x Grand Champion & Best of Breed senior doe, Stanwood WA, 5/10/08, judge Robert Bourassa
ADGA 1x Grand Champion & Best of Breed senior doe, Western WA State Fair Puyallup, 9/16/09, judge Trinity Smith
1x Reserve GCH Senior doe 7/3/2010 Chehalis WA, judged by Chuck Pedersen

Poppy Patch FM Ginger Rogers


Sire- Ponders End The Full Monty
(SS-Twin Creeks BH Bravado*S/SD-Twin Creeks Tres Colores)

Dam- Sugar Creek's PG Jane Seymour
(DS-CH 4 Fun Gay-Mor Lemon Pot-O-Gold*S/DD-Gay-Mor's Blue Looney Meg Ryan 2*D)

Ginger is a littermate to Marilyn Monroe. We couldn't decide between them so we kept them both. She also has one of the most unique colors we have ever seen on a goat. We call it Ginger brown. This girl's kids both here and in other herds continue to prove themselves in the show ring. Her daughter Rockette easily finished her championship as a yearling. Ginger has gone cystic and will no longer breed.

Poppy Patch SC Pollyanna


Sire- Poppy Patch RC Scamp
(SS-Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause*S/SD-Esperanza ZZ Charity)

Dam- Poppy Patch RC Darla
(DS-Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause*S/DD-MCH Twin Creeks BW Shining Sand)

Pollyanna is one of two does guaranteed to be with us forever. She and her half sister Baaaby were raised in the house as bottle babies and even slept in my bed until they were over a month old. It was a sad time for all when they finally moved to the barn. Even though Polly is my baby I can say she is quite a good-looking doe besides. With so many other does to breed we have decided not to breed Polly so she is just our spoiled pet. She and her half sister sidekick Baaaby get free roam of the barn and don't believe they are goats at all in fact they try to attack any goats who come out of the pens and they also have a habit of grabbing anything you have while trying to work in the barn and running off with it.....Baaaby has ruined two weight measuring tapes. They have a lot of names but the one they get called most is the "Barn Trolls" well we love them anyway!

Baaaby day 1 weight- 1 lb next to her 6 lb littermate brother

Baaaby at 2 weeks

my huge Baaaby at 1 year

Poppy Patch SC Sweet Baaaby


Sire- Poppy Patch RC Scamp
(SS-Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause*S/SD-Esperanza ZZ Charity)

Dam-CH Poppy Patch RC Semi Sweet
(DS-Twin Creeks Rebel W/O A Cause*S/DD-Starbucks Dear Abby)

This is my Baby. Baaaby was our little miracle kid of 06. After her little yearling dam delivered whopping 6 1/2 lb. and 5 lb. bucklings we thought she was done. When tiny 1 lb. Baaaby came along I said it looks like this one is a stillborn kid but then her tiny little pencil-size legs kicked around so we dried her face and she panted and struggled to breathe. We brought her in the house and tried her on a bottle but she wouldn't take it for awhile. When she did it was only about half an ounce at a time. She crawled along the ground but was too weak to stand for 3 hours after birth. She was fed every 3-4 hours even through the night for two weeks. She put on about 1 lb. each week. Now Baaaby and her paternal sister Pollyanna who was also bottle raised to be her companion, are two verrry spoiled little girls. Baaaby still loves to be held but she is getting so heavy I'm not sure for how long. My Baaaby does not like being treated like a goat nor does she think she is a goat. With so many other does to breed we have decided not to breed Baaaby so she is just our spoiled pet!

Poppy Patch WL Georgie Girl


Sire- Old Mountain Farm Warlock
(SS-NC PromisedLand SS Hot Stuff*B/SD- Old Mountain Farm Tianna Quinn)

Dam-Poppy Patch BAM Georgette
(DS-Rosaharn UP Bit-a-Mischief*B/DD-Poppy Patch RC Chickadee)

Little Gigi was born tiny and raised in the house and she has remained very small at over a year old which we were finding was typical of her sire's kids which was the reason he was not going to work out for our herd in the long run. We prefer our Nigerians on the taller side for ease of milking... and kidding. At a year old we are still not comfortable breeding this little girl due to her smaller size so she may just join our pet herd with her paternal sister Sweet Pea who is also very tiny. Either way we are very attached to her and she will be staying.

Starbucks Dear Abby


Sire- Starbucks Sunnie
(SS-Karim's Starbuck/SD-Willow Creek Shadow Of Doubt)

Dam- Starbucks Suzzie
(DS-Starbucks Black Jack/DD-Willow Creek Shadow Of Doubt)

Abby is just the type of doe we are breeding for with her clean and elegant dairy style and sweet easy going personality. She as always stood out to us with her long legs and long lean neck as a doe without a bit of "pygmyness" which is something we really like to see in this breed since they are being bred as dairy goats. Her dam- Starbucks Suzzie is a full sister to PGCH/MCH Starbucks Lady Spot. Abby is also from a line breeding off Willow Creek Shadow Of Doubt. Abby has a very nice capacious 2nd freshening udder. We really like the height she shows up into the rear and her smooth fore. She could have a more defined MSL and a bit better teat placement, both a huge improvement we did see in her daughter by Rebel. Sorry for the awful photos, her topline is normally much more level. She was upset because she was hearing her kids call. Sadly Abby lost half her udder in 09 from mastitis. Now retired

Twin Creeks WB Embraceable

DOB- 6/22/02

Height-18 1/2"

Sire- MCH Goodwood Weisbaden+*S 'E'
(SS-Gay-Mor's RA Kingwood*S/SD-Goodwood Bejou Merry)

Dam- MCH Piddlin Acres Tiny Bubbles*D 'E'
(DS-Storybook Domino/DD-Piddlin Acres Shamrock)

Show Record: 1x AGS GCH Junior Doe, 6/21/03, Alice Hall

Emmy comes from an excellent genetic background. She is a very correct little doe showing outstanding general appearance, levelness, width, and depth throughout. Emmy walks with exceptional width between the hocks, and a wide, open, rounded escutcheon. Her udder is globular shaped with solid attachments all round, an excellent MSL and perfect teat placement. Emmy is the dam of two of our herdsires- Poppy Patch SF Picasso and Poppy Patch BT Bowtie Optional. Had multiple kidding issues and retired young as a result.