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*My Favorites*
[Color:] Pink
[Number:] 13
[Gum:] Big Red
[Drink:] Sprite
[Car:] BMW Roadster
[Movie:]Scooby Doo & The 6th sense
[T.V. Show] Scooby Doo, Elimidate, & Friends
[Actor and Actress:] Mark Wahlberg and Drew Barrymore
[Bands:] The Doors, Course of Nature, Suburban Love Junkies, Our Lady Peice, Wayne, Deftones, Blink-182, Green Day, No Doubt, Incubus, Goo Goo Dolls, Mudvayne, Fuel, Default, Nickelback, Puddle of Mud, 504 Boys, Outkast....

~What I DiG~
*Ricer Cars
*New Clothes
*BeinG NakeD ;x
*Skinny Dipping
*Swimming at nite
*Guys with abs :p
*The word "penis"
*Guys that are sweet!
*People that say I*m sexy ;x

~And this Pisses meh off..~
*My Job
*Fake People
*Mean people
*Stupid People
*Hairy guys..eweeee
*People who can*t drive
*Old men that try to PimP on meh..lolz
*People who call or IM you and don*t talk
*Having a summer that consists of like 2 months
*Creme filled doughnuts that don*t have much creme..pisses meh off
*Big Diesel Trucks that honk at meh and make meh think that I did something wrong but only want to like wave or something.
*Guys that hurt you..tell you how much they like you, bleh ur so beautiful, I wish u could come home with meh...then break ur heart..gah what bs! *Look below, thas 4 those kinda guys*

~*~*~*~>>KoOl LiNks<<~*~*~*~

Shady*s Site
Macey*s Site
Christina*s Site
Shayla*s Site
Jim*s Site
Phillip*s Site
Suburban Love Junkies
KiCk AsS CaRs
Rock n' Horse
Old Glory
Adam*s Page

Here*s summin for you guys..lolz

Trixiegirl's music