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Hey budddddy! How's it going? It's been great throughout all these years with us being best friends. Never forget all those great times that we have had together these past years. Remember "I'll be the one to tuck you in at night..AND IF U" haha-that was the funniest thing ever. Also don't forget twenty-tooth, the back way to my house, Bi+ch I'm CRITTY! and we will always go to city stages together! Don't forget about meh when you make all those other friends in college--stay the same, whore! I love you!

Hey you guys! I'm so glad that we have become so close this year! Yall are like my BFF! Don't forget when band practice is! lolz we have had so much fun together, all those fun nites after the weekend softball tourneys! I love yall so much!

Hey girl! I'm so glad that we are still friends, everything that we have went through we are still holding on! This year has went by so fast! I'm so glad that you made the basketball team, now we can be even more close than we already are. Nothing will ever mess our friendship up. Remember playing Lion King on that big rock? and playing with the baby carriage and the guy in the truck turning around? haha We have had some great times and I can't wait to make more! I love you!

I*m so glad that we met each other! You guys are like my BFF that lives like hella away. We have to hang out this summer and have some more fun. Wut? The ninja turtle came from the sewer and picked up that car when it landed on Julie! Remember that big brownie thing Chantel gave us? GAH that was great! Don't forget about Barnicle Bay, Moo and Poo--our pet dolphins, that surfer guy, and those weirdo guys that followed us around! Remember when Ash lost her teeth and those hott guys were out there? LOL I luv yall!

You are missed very much, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. Your great attitude and other things have taught meh how to be outgoing, and to appreciate my friends along with everything that I have..You are in fact # 1 on the field and in our hearts!

And a special hey to:
My Girls:

Linzi~Hey gurl! When are we gunna make our Jackass video? Gurl, we be pimpin..lol, I got more numbers than you~! j/k i love you!

Stef~Hey gurl! I miss you so much! I am here for you whenever you need meh! I love you so much! Call meh !

Nicole~It*s been fun on softball together! Your awesome, but only b/c we have the same b*day, lolz!

Katy~Hey gurl, I*m glad taht we got to know each other so well in Spanish! I can*t wait 4 softball!

Alexas~Hey girl! It*s been cool getting to know you better these past 2 years, we have to stick together b/c we are gunna be the only 2 white girls left, lolz!

Christina~It*s been great helping you pick out your "thugg" clothes, lolz and all the other stuff too. I*m glad taht we are friends!

Amanda~I*m glad that we have grown so close these last 2 years. Your gunna be a senior and leaving soon :'( I*ll miss you, but let*s enjoy our time now! Oh yah tell ur sexy lil bro I said hi, lolz!

Davida~Hey black widow! What up? Your one of my best friends, you know that. It*s fun playing basketball and softball with you..without you, nothing would be the same! ..

My Boys:

Michael~Hey babe I love you so much!

Josh~I*m really glad that we met and are growing closer..its great to be around you :)

Bobby~Hey twin! You are so great, I love you!

Nick~Hey babe! When can I come swimming??

Jim~One day we will be together! Love you!

Sethy~Hey baby! I*m gunna visit you very soon, I promise!

*ShAdY*~hey baby! when you comin to see meh u sexy thang you? I want you!Yes, very badly, I do..

Justin~I love you so much!

Jason~Hey u lazy bum! I*m glad that we are still friends!

Brent~Hey! I*m happy that we are close now, I didn*t think that it would ever be this way.

Brandon~When we going back to U China? Gah that place is so good! I dream about it, lolz!

Chase~What up babe? lol! What do you say when you walk into school late? WUT UP? right? when are u gunna come and visit the new Food World? lol! Where are my SCOOBY DOO boxers?? love you!

Sean~Hey baby! I*m happy that we have stuck together and are still friends! It*s been kool having you as a friend and I hope we stay close!

Jonathan~Hey buddy! NO I*m not a player! lolz Also Thankies 4 my cow girl hat!

Joe~Hey! There*s oceans n between us, but that*s not very far..I love you baby, more than anything..MuAh :)

Andy~When do I get to experience Andyland??

Phillip~Hey what*s up? It*s been kool getting to know you and hanging with you at concerts, call meh sometime soon! Your site kicks A$$!

Jimmy~Hey! What are you doing sexy? It*s been tight talkin to you these last 2 years, lolz!

*If your not here, I didn*t 4get you, I jus got tired of doin mah site for tha nite, remind meh and you*ll be on here soon*

Trixiegirl's music