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Guinea page under re-construction

Peter, upon reflection

Peter, Happy Eater Peter

Plenty more to come !!

Some of Peter's Friends :

Point at a picture to say hello !

Hi, my name's Teddy Hello,I'm called Toffee Jemima,please don't eat the margueritas ! Hello,I'm Sebastian, call me Basty

Bonjour, nous sommes Noisette et Chantale Hi, we're Harriet (Horry) and Hetty Last but not least, my name is Jack

Some more assorted pictures :

Chantale Teddy and Jack Hetty and Horry

Us again Teddy Little Rose

Little Ursula Guinea chat Pointing guineas, Jemima, Rose and Molly

Head to Head Pretty in pink

Molly and Jemima (sisters)

Some of Peter's favourite places:

The Garden :

(For Advanced Panorama Java applet, thanks to U.Schmitz: