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Cool Cs Pics


Join Our Clan

p2k Members

Flash Intro

Clan Matches

p2k Clan Rules

X-pert Clan

SkH|* Clan

-[DR]- Clan

-={CbK}=- Clan


p2k Made Videos

p2k Screen Shots

Pic Of The Week

CS Voice Music

p2k Wallpaper

p2k Sprays

p2k Tag-Board



Interested in playing with us, then click HERE to see if we are on!!













    Well hey p2k, there really hasnt been much new lately but i have been too busy doing other stuff and playing cs lol taht i didnt get a change to add anything to the site, such as the new forums, and i wanted to make a new look for our site cuz this one just sux ass...it has no good looks what-so-ever except for a grey background and some text and pics lol...i sort of wanted to make a like sort of outline or theme for it and well i am really busy with skoo and shit and i am just too plain lazy to do it, so it anyone would like to volunteer to make a a layout with the same links as shown on the site, then plz feel free if you feel like it in your spare time...Thank you **22**.      P.S.  i need to make a new intro video and we need to get this clan going somewhere then just have a cool website and no server and no clan matches lol , if ya kno what i mean...or i can just join another clan just to have those features and i can still be p2k...omg w/e i am jjust talking gibberish here so fuck it .... in short...NO NEW NEWS . LOL peace  **22**


    Hey wut up guys...well lately i havent had anything special to post up for news but i just felt like updating the site a bit and i got a new potw in so look at is..its pretty funny...lol but i liked the last one a lot.  I think i am gonna make a funny pictures section so that you guys can see all those funny pics whenever.  Aight well we sort of need to recruit some L337 players cuz our clan is full of a bunch of newbies....and well no offense lol but we need to get a lot better then we can own everyone...and maybe in my lifetime i can own heaton...well i doubt that but we'll see hehe lol ... peace out guys ... **22**


     Well, i will be leaving to egypt tomorrow and i am exited i guess.  I will be inactive for about 1 week and please while i am gone, i would like to ask nicely if you guys could hold back on the recruiting!!  This way no trouble or confusion will occur.  Well maybe i will get to squeeze one more game in with you guys and get to play but i will be sad without counter-strike.  LOL, suck it up 22...you can get over it LOL...okay i am good...its only a week....well i dont think i am that obsessed lol ..we'll see hehe... k guys i am gonna miss ya !!! ;( tears to my eyes...   Well hopefully when i come back i will have some skill left and i hope to bring home $2000 from my very rich grandpa so taht i can get myself a decent computer, since mine sux ass and i cant pwn with it.... then if i get a new computer i will own all you noobs!! muahahahaha... peace **22**       I AM GONNA MISS YOU GUYS!


    Sup all!!  Well our site has been updated a lot in the past couple days thanx to 22 ... hehe ty ty all!! Anyways now we got a spray section up so if anyone knows how to make sprays then I don't mind and i can put them on the site!  Also if you can make wallpaper then that is good as well!  I just got the tag-board up so it is really cool, in my opinion and i luv it!!  aiight well there's not much else to say and ooo ya... about a server...combat evolved says he can get us a server in about 2 months, so if this is true then we are finally in luck cuz all of our other talks end up being bullshit!!  So i hope we gonna finally get one and i hope you guys are having fun!  Peace out **22**....o ya 2.5 more weeks till i go ride my camel and chill with king tut in EGYPT!!! hahah i cant wait!!  PEACE!


    Hi guys!  I just got the voice section up and ready so that anybody can download the music and play it in cs while playing...please dont get carried away with it.  This is for fun and dont try to use it to annoy anyone, not mentioning any names cough*cough*ASSASSIN*cough*cough!  LOL okay well have fun guys.... peace.. **22**


    Hey guys sup again...well no new news for the clan so far but i wanted to brag about my future vacation trip to....*DRUM ROLL*.....EGYPT!!!  Hell ya i cant wait.  I will be gone in about 2-3 weeks from now and i will be inactive for 1 week while i am chillin with my mummy homies and you guys will be stuck here in boring old america.  hahahah ... dont worry guys i will bring you back some souvenirs or sumtin!!  Aiight talk to all you guys later!!  PEACE!  **22** 


    Hi all..well we have just recruited about 4 guys in the past week or two, and for the most part Sepultus, Taro, and Combat are great players...as for sk8er, well I just kinda felt sorry for him hehe....if you guys really say you want him out (for the guys taht did say that) then tell me and give me a majority vote so I can decide...thanx  **22**


     Well now I am working on the member profiles and I need all the p2k information so that I can finish it...soo when you guys have a chance please either tell me the info on aim, which will be easier, or just send me the info at ck_22_skatz18@hotmail.com and name the subject member info.  THanck You...**22**


     O ya and also...i need to make the members profile page...when i am not busy and i get a chance...peace  **22**


      Hey all....well umm the link to our site has been changed...it is now www.p2k.isgreat.tv !! Now we can watch my intro video for the clan flash intro page.  hehe  Well umm you can still use this link but you will see Dafy's lame ass video lol so have fun as always and i luv you guys!!!  **22**.......damnit i need to find out how you make the video go straight to the page instead of having to click skip intro on my video..hehe  **22**


       Sup everybody, This is Khadafy. I'm trying to get us in the GR league. If you want, I will set you all up an account and give you the password to that account. I will get the clan set-up in the leage and everything. All you got to do is simply send me an email at aws_kirchart02@hotmail.com telling me your wonid and your email address and i will do the rest. I find that will be the easiest way to get this setup. Plz send me that shit A.S.A.P. Thx **Khadafy


        Okay I editted my video just a tad bit and I think it kicks ass so luv it!! But what sux is that you have to wait like 10 seconds for the damn thing to start but o well its a bad ass video!!! LIKE IT BITHCES!!!


        Okay yesterday I was bored and I decided to make a movie, so check it out guys and tell me what you think...Also keep in mind that movies with sound, such as mine and Eatthis's, will need about 5-7 seconds to load so plz don't think that its not working since it didn't load in the first split second.  LOL thats all and I hope you like it!!!  It took me about 25 minutes.


        Okay we are getting a server finally.  YAY.. so this is how it is...we need $19 a month, so we are gonna have 5 people paying.  Those people are : **22**, Assassin + Eatthis (they are brothers so they count as one person), BloodIce, and we will need two more ppl to pay.  So if you are willing to pay $4 a month per person which times 5 equals 20, which is about 19, then please tell me so I can tell the server guy and we will be on our way.  Also this will be a joined server because skh is offering to share with us since they got a good deal.  Well whoever is payin does get admin powers, so think about it!!  peaz


       Okay well we got a new forum system now so its very nice.  Thank khadafy for getting it and before using it, all p2k members MUST register in a new account so that it goes smoothly.  Thank you for your cooperation!!   **22**


       Umm well lately some of the p2k players have been inactive so I have kicked some of the members from the clan, if you were kicked from the list then please talk to me about it if you would like to join again!!  This means more room for recruiting!!


        Well finally I just got Eatthis's video to work and I hope you guys like it!!!  Good job Eat and Assassin on your first movies lol!!


         Well I just got the p2k videos link up and that should hopefully work fine but for some reason I need to find out why the first movie won't work so I have to fix that!!  ENJOY and if you have any videos please tell me so I can put them on the site!!


        HEY guys I am happy about our new site look and hope you guys like it too.  I added some new links in the p2k fun section and I only had time to put up one of the links which is the pic of the week.  Later I will add the p2k screenshots of us p2k members acting like jack-asses and the video section which are made p2k videos by p2k members only.  If any one of you p2k guys know how to make these videos, then feel free to make them and talk to me later about then so I can put them on our site.  One last thing, if you have any funny screen shots or pics I can put in the pic of the week section, then please tell me and I can add them!!  My email is ck_22_skatz18@hotmail.com and my AIM is located in the members section, as well as the other p2k member's AIM!!  THANX, **22**


         Umm read this interesting story/poem, I don't know what it's called, but go here to read it http://bojangles.isgreat.tv/.  Then go to the writings section and you'll find it.  Umm I think its one of the coolest things I have ever read so read it bitches!!  It'll probably only appeal to you if you either like hacking or you are a hacker yourself ..LOL.  I currently luv hacking and want to learn more and more and more so I can destroy all your silly, lame ass computers, then later I will hack into the penatagon.  OR MAYBE NOT!!   I DUNO!!


          Okay umm where did that flash intro come from...LOL..I had no idea about it until assassin told me about our new video and I was like "WHAT A NEW VIDEO, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?"  Then I had realized that khadafy made it and put it on the site....now that I just remembered that I gave him the username and the password to the site editor. LOL well its better then our old one and I hope you guys like it (shhhh...just for now).  Good job dafy, but I am making a new one and its gonna kills yours LOL!!!!!!  MUHAHAHAHA!!!!!




If any clan would like me to place a link to their website, just tell me and I will do that.
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