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My Favourate Nelly Songs

I've seen lots and grown lots in my short life span. I have been the bully, I have been bullied, been insecure, been precocious, been lost, been found again, been praised, been heralded, been shamed and been alone.. I am quite street smart and my pain often fuels my passion, but more often my spirit does. I aspire, like anyone, to do great things with my life. Nelly Furtado

These are the words of my favourate singer Nelly Furtado.

This talented Canadian Trip-hop star is rising to the top with her raw, street but fun album "Whoa Nelly".

This site is dedicated to her, but is also about me. I listen to all music including alot of Techno, Trance, House, Soul, R&B, some but few pop, ROCK & ROLL, new rock, but alot of old shit like Black Sabbath or any Ozzy, The Beatles or any John Lennon, Journey and Couger. I like new rock like Course Of Nature, Blink, Goo's and Kelly Osbourne. I like soul singers like Jill Scott and Glen Lewis. I really like the Chemical Brothers, David Beddingfeild and Dirty Vagas. I like Remy Shand, Our Lady Peace. I like all music except most country.

I saw Nelly Furtado, April 16/2002, at Copps Coliseum, had 4th row seat 41 (on the side). But as soon as the lights went out we (Laura and I) RAN to the front, some girls got mad that we got infront of them, but it was a kick ass concert. I made Nelly a poster and she took it from me while singing "Baby Girl". K-Os opened the show at 8:00pm, than between 8:30 and 8:45 Swollen Members came on and gave a pretty good show. Than at 9:15 NELLY FURTADO CAME ON STAGE! It started out with a black screen with rainbows on the stage setting. Her band came out and began to play. Then we heard a voice, getting the croud pumped, my heart was racing than a NELLY FURTADO back drop slides across the blue background and from the left side of the stage (we were on the right) came lil' ol' NELLY! She RANNNNNNNNNNN across the stage jumping up and down with her arms flying and her neon stichered mic. During the first song (Baby Girl) Nelly took my poster and for the rest of the concert would take turns standing on the speakers. When she was on the ones infront of me she would point to me and smile. At about 10:25 she ran off stage and her band took off too, the concert virgins in the audiance got up and left, while the girl infront of me (the only one that partied with me) and I chanted NELLY.....NELLY.....NELLY. The lights went up and she ran out and sang SHIT ON THE RADIO, my fav Nelly song at the time. At the end of it her and her band took off once again and a single light came on and a deep manly voice said "BURN IN THE SPOT LIGHT 2002". And it was over. Laura and I waited outside until 11:30 waiting for Nelly to come out because I wanted her autograph really bad, but she never showed. One of my fav memories of that concert would have to be when she put on her guitar, preparing to sing "I'm Like A Bird" and the bubble machines swithed on, and she said in a soft lil' Nelly voice "watch out for the bubbles, they sting if you get them in the eye" it was great.

Nelly In Hamilton

Thats about all I have to say, check out the rest of my site and if you want to talk about it, me, or Nelly I'm on ICQ (162232546) or MSN (

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Nelly Furtado
Nelly Furtado Official Fan Site
