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Article: Peggy Eaton Affair

In 1831, the cabinet of President Jackson was wrecked because of an incident known as the Peggy Eaton affair. Andrew Jackson’s Secretary of War John Eaton married the daughter of a Washington boardinghouse keeper, Peggy O’Neale, whom was known for sleeping around with the male boarders. At a party thrown by the Jackson’s, Peggy Eaton was ignored by the ladies of Jackson’s official family especially by the Calhoun family. President Jackson’s Vice President was at the time John Calhoun. When Jackson heard of the news of Peggy Eaton being snubbed at the party he was furious because of his past relationship with Rachel Jackson whom was a victim as was Peggy Eaton.

As a result of the Peggy Eaton affair, Jackson’s second Presidency had Vice President Martin Van Buren because of Jackson’s hatred towards the Calhoun’s. The previous cabinet of Jackson was destroyed because of what they did to Peggy Eaton.

In my opinion, Jackson acted correctly after what happened to Peggy Eaton. Being in politics shows superiority, and elitism and people are supposed to depend on political figures to support the country. The cabinet with Jackson snubbing Peggy Eaton showed a lack of intelligence and great stupidity. By ridding of the cabinet, Jackson helped the nation and politics by kicking out the bad and bringing in a new group who could be relied on.

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