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I want to officially welcome you to my class. I look forward to working with each and everyone of you this semester. As a class, we'll examine the history of our great nation and hopefully each of us can learn something new each day.

You see, that's the most fantastic thing about history. It is such an interesting story and every person sees any given event from a different pair of eyes. There is always more to learn, and there is going to be something in the course of history that intrests everybody.

History is not just dates and names of a bunch of old dead guys. It is the formation of everything we have become today. Your very life is history. Sure you may not ever be in history books, but you are a piece of this nation, and therefore a piece of its history.

Through this course, I hope to relate the events to you and your current situation. Everything that occured either ties into you directly, or is similar to what you may be going through now.

With that, I welcome you to my class and look forward to a postivie experience with each of you.


Students, this website will contain several things that you'll find useful along our journey. As we begin a new unit, you'll find a link to that unit explaining what we'll be exploring throughout it.

Also, you'll find various links to useful websites as well as extra credit opportunities outside of class. These may not be announced in class, so be sure to check back often

As each unit comes to an end, you may find helpful study guides in addition to those that you'll recieve in class.

Lastly, at the bottom of this page is my email address. If you have any questions about the days lesson, or anything else you'd like to discuss. Having once been a student myself, (I know! I was where you are! CRAZY!) I know sometimes you don't have time after class, or don't feel comfortable talking about it in class, but you want it addressed. Through email, we can together to help you out.

Parents, if you have any questions or concerns about your student or the flow of the class, you can contact me as well. Never hesitate to email or call me even for the littlest of things. I know each student is different and if you feel we can help your student better, do let me know.

Also, follow our class and where we are. I know how informative students can be, and this way you can see what we've got going on. Test dates will be posted on here so you know when you student should be studying. Encourage your students to keep up on their work and put in the extra effort to work on extra credit opportunities.

This website is for your benifit. Use it to its maximum capabilities!

Class Rules

Units and stuff....

About Me
Course Map
Presidential Election
