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A music video made with 0 budget, 0 skill and 0 time, yet 100% sincerity and effort. For lyrics and song, click here.

Goodbyes (2) / Goodbyes (3) / Goodbyes (4) / Pictures

It was great having you as a teacher and we really enjoyed the time we spent with you. It's sad that you are leaving us so early, but I wish you the best in the future and have fun in Europe.


It was very nice meeting you this year and thank you for being concerned with my inability to do math, even though you barely knew me. J/K. Seriously though, thank you for showing concern and I wish you the best of luck in whatever it is that you’re up to next. I didn’t really get to know you but I heard much about you, and believe me, it was all positive. The students at ASE love you and it’s obvious that you will be missed. Thanks again and BEST WISHES!


 Thank you for being the only teacher to let me sit in class doing nothing, asking stupid questions when I’m interested and sleeping when I’m not. Don’t think any replacement can do that. I honestly don’t think you need your pension, but I guess I’ll live. Hope you have fun in……forget where you’re going, but have fun anyway!


Hey Martin, it’s me Jenn…remember me? Well, first of all, don’t leave them! ASE needs you a lot. Who is going to be Superman now…who, I ask you?! Ah martin, I hope you had a blast at ASE, and that we didn’t wear you down too much. You are one hell of a teacher…the only math classes that I’ve ever enjoyed, so one down, millions of kids to go. Do you know the ruler that you gave me? Well I want to say thank you, its been hard but that little ruler makes everything easier haha…I got perfect on quite a few math tests due to that, it’s my good luck charm…I’ll pass it to some other kid one day…and it shall be a tradition haha…what do you think? I must end off…but try to come and visit ASE and who knows; maybe I’ll see you again one day too…if somehow those two dates ever coincide. I know that wherever you will be going will probably be a lot more exciting than Toronto…and teaching, but hey, we love you, don’t be a stranger and don’t forget us! Sohcahtoa all the way!


Hey, you’ve been a great help to me in my years of being a student of yours, helping me in the field of mathematics where I was previously uneven and have been gaining confidence in ever since. I especially enjoyed your introduction to logarithms, something I was doing before I wrote this (sorry I’m not doing math, but at least it’s math related). Anyway, I hope u have a good time wherever you’re going (Europe? I thought you were going to the Panama Canal?) – thx


Honestly, this is real talk from the heart, okay. I’ve never met a teacher like you before in my life. You inspired me to be a better person. When you first came to the school, I was struggling to do well, but you gave me the confidence to try hard and do better not only in math, but everything. You’re an amazing person and I’m glad you came to this school or else I probably would have never improved myself. Thanks a lot, Martin. YOU BETTER COME VISIT ME EH!!!!! Hahahah, I want to meet your wife. Okay buddy good bye (L) That’s’ a heart, get it? Bracket 'l' for love, so it symbolizes a heart.


 Hey hey, Martin! So, this is goodbye, huh? Wow, it seems like it was only yesterday that you arrived here to try to cram some understanding into our brains. At the same time, I can’t imagine math without you, anymore.

I’d really like to thank you for all you’ve done for me. Even if sometimes I felt like cursing you as my hand went numb from copying down so many notes on formulas, overall your teaching and guidance have really helped me through these past two years of math. You probably don’t realize quite how huge a miracle you created, but for the first time in years, I actually started to enjoy parts of math again!

So, thank you again, and hope you have lots of wild fun once you’re gone. Just make sure to come and visit us from time to time!


Martin!!! Why are you leaving me?? I’m really going to miss you. You’re an amazing teacher and person. You’ve had such a great influence on me. I actually enjoy doing math now…but I can’t imagine it without you. You have made math by far more enjoyable. ASE just won’t be the same without you. You better come back and visit us…and don’t forget me...because I won’t ever forget you. HAVE FUN IN THE SUN!!! You deserve it! J

P.S. Keep wearing those great shirts of yours.


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