World History Mr. Gugas
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Welcome to 10th grade World History at U.S. Grant High School.  We have a lot of things planned for you this semester and hopefully there'll be both productive and  at the same time interesting.  As we  get into the semester's work, we will try to learn how each period of history has created new ideas and changes that have resulted in the world as you know it today.  Your textbook for this semester is Living World History for Honors classes and Pageant of World History for regular classes.  Anytime you have questions or problems come and see me early to resolve them! WHY HISTORY?-- Because it shows us how to behave. History teaches and reinforces what we believe in, what we stand for, and what we ought to be willing to stand up for. History is about life-human nature and the human condition and all its trials and failings and noblest achievements. History is about cause and effect, about the simplest of everyday things-and the mysteries of chance and genius. History shows us what choices there are. History teaches with specific examles the evils of injustice, ignorance or demagoguery, just as it shows how potent is plain courage or one simple illuminating idea...At their core, the lessons of history are lessons of appreciation. Everything we have, all our great institutions, our laws, our music, art and poetry, our freedoms, everything is because somebody went before us and did the hard work, provided the creative energy, faced the storms, made the sacrifices, kept the faith. Indifference to history isn't just ignorance, it's a form of ingratitude. David McCullough---- Pop up ads that appear on this website are not endorsed or approved by the LAUSD or by me.

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Fax: 818-908-0774

What we do today, will determine our tomorrows

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  for World History | Class Policy & grading | History Hyperlinks | Current Assignemnts
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