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Jennlynn and Shellbell's Webbie

Heres a few shoutouts to my closest friends

Shell-Hey shell! since i have so much to write about ill just tell you how much i love you and all our memories. OMG we have like the best memories together ive known you for like 8 years now and i still remember that first time i met you in first grade i remember i was new to the school and you were like ew whos the weirdo? lol! well guess wat that weirdo is your best friend! I cant believe were still best friends! nuthings going to tear us apart babe were gonna be eskimos forevr! We have so many plans for high school i cant wait. omg we have like so many fights but we always make up. omg we have so many fights ovr boys! we both always like the same ones (brian haha). (me)its ok hes urs(you) no its okay you have him(me) NO! take the bastard lol. O well no1 got him poor brian :( Remember all our memories shell! that time when i came over and you were wearing this REALLY short skirt to the movies and we were dressed like sluts and your mom told us to change but we snuck out and wore it anyways! haha then when we came back omg you were in soOO much trouble! ur always there 4 me babe and you know i will always be here for u! I cant believe ur leaving next year to go to mercy! omg this sucks! im going to be in high school without u! its okay because im comin to mercy with ya cuz whereevr you go u kno ill be there for ya.I cant wait till the summer cuz im going to be comin over EVERYDAY until the last day cuz im gonna miss u next year so we have to spend the looongest times together. remember mr.krauz? OMG he smelled so bad and he was sooo weird lol and remember we would dance on the desks then we got in trouble for that cuz he thought we were stripping? that old guy is like blind as hell HAHA! hun all i have to say is you take my breathe away lol I LOVE U SOOO MUCH AND ILL NEVER FORGET YOU HUN!!! NEVER!! we promised eachother that we will never forget eachother and u know that i will keep that promise forever.Remebr our dance in 6th grade ICE ICE BABY! that was soooO much fun and mike and casey kept goin ooooooooooooo during the whole thing. Then our thriller thing we did last year and when we were playin twister during workshop casey kept falling on top of me ON PURPOSE LOL... remember our fights with cassey how we would fight over whos hes wife but I WON!! casey has the hottest wife lol. Remember the movies we got into that huuuge fight and you threw your soda on me and then i threw mine on yours lol then i threw popcorn at u and then u were ready run away and u slipped on the soda i threw on the floor! haha then we started laughing and we were friends again then every1 in the theatres were like telling us to shut up and we got kicked out!!Ill nevr forget those times the best ever!!! we have the best memories and ill always remember them!! I LOVE U SO MUCH! ur the best!!! ill never forget you babe its going be the hardest thing to go to high school without you there with me because we've been so close together for like the longest time and soon were going to move on and were going to forget about eachother :( i dont want that to happen Shell but we made our promise that we'll never forget eachother no matter what happens and im going to keep that promise forever because ive always kept my promises with you and i hope you will keep yours

.:peOple say friends cOme and gO

but this time it wOnt happen i knOw

i gOt the best friend i ever had

she was there when i was sad

we pinky promised tO never break

we'll stay tOgether till heaven we take

she is my babi gurl till death tO us part

she always asks "did yOu fart?"

i lOve her sO much yOu dOnt even knOw

im praying tO gOd she'll never let gO:.

Casey Hm where to start?? well ive almost known you as long as shell about 7 years. I remember i met you in 2nd grade i remember how you would always sit behind me in class and you would sit next to me everywhere lol i thought it was pretty funny. I remember everyone in our class thought you liked me and you were like yelling at them shut up and then they stopped. We are like the blondest people in this school lol we like belong together j/k remember at the mall when we would go up to the rebok ( dont know how to spell that) the shoe store and ask where payless shoes are lol they got so mad the lady there because we wouldnt shop at there shoe store and we went to another she almost liked kicked you out..Me shell and you have the funniest times together! Remmeber we wanted to go to that hebron fair but we couldnt cuz my sister couldnt drive so we snuck out (again) and you hit a mailbox lol! that was the funniest thing ever. O yea and our wedding we had lol in life skills! and chuck was the flower girl throwing napkins in the air and he kept taking our keys and when becca went to say do u take jen as ur layful wedded wife or watever ur like i guess lol?? of course ur suppose to say yes! but your still the shit even tho we get pissed at eachother alot its still cool and you know i love ya.

nO mAtTa hOw sErIoUs LiFe gEtS `

yOu STiLl gOtTa hAvE tHaT oNe

wHo cAn bE cOmPlEtElY sTuPiD WiTh

yea thats def u casey haha

Amy damn amy even tho i just met you like 2 years ago i am so in love you u! lol haha ur so cute and we have the weirdest times together like at the carnival with monica god we are HOT! haha remember we would go out to the mall with those WICKED short skirts and every guy there was staring Oooo remember that one guy that came up to u um do u have the time? cuz i wanna get with u baby wtf?? thats like the gayest pick up line... amzz but remember falling down the stairs throwin thongs at matt and THE TAMPONS lol we couldnt stop laughing for like 20 mins and matt got so freaked out i think we scared him poor guy/ amzz i cant wait till next year its gonna be the bomb babe!!

When everything has gone wrong

and you feel like you can't live on

I want you to know that I'll always be there

Through thick and through thin

Just like you have been

And when the world turns against you

and you just can't bare-

I want you to know that I'll always be there

Cody's Music Codes